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Hey guys!!

WELL!! For those who actually read these things, I just wanted to thank you all for so many reads!! This is truly amazing!! You guys seriously make my day!! I swear, every time I see I have more readers on either one of my books, I have a mini party.

I shit you not, when I hit 1k for the first time, I threw a huge party xD

And it's all thanks to my wonderful readers!! Thanks, you guys!! I love it when you inbox me or Kik me, its just amazing!! Please don't be shy, hit me up!! If your looking for someone to goof off with, I gotcha back!! 😂

As for the slowness of the chapters... Yeaaahhh sorry about that... I've actually been super busy lately, which surprises me 'cause I'm a bum who sits at home with so much time to spare that I could build a time machine then go back in time and waste even more time!!

School has got me on my toes!! I usually slack off in the beginning of school, but now since 3rd quarter hit, I have to get my grades up so I don't get held back or have to go to summer school. So that means I've been working extra hard in school and at home.

My ELA teacher has also asked me to write a story for the newspaper and it HAS to be fabulous since everybody at my school and town will be reading it, so I'm super paranoid and busy with that.

Also, I have to go to a formal party next week and look all fancy and cute. Sooo!! I've been working out for the past couple of weeks to look even better in my dress!! xD

And as for the rest, I'm sorry, but I must blame it on pure laziness. Yeah... Sorry.... But don't lie!! You all KNOW that there are times when you are free and you just don't feel like writing!! I know I have those days, I have to be in the mood!! My ideas have to be flowing and my imagination just bursting out my head!! But I've been kind of brain dead lately.

So I'm sooo sorry guys!! Yes... Ima slacker... Please forgive me!!

And that's pretty much all!!


So I be lookin' 'round on YouTube and stuff... And I be seein' so many amazin' watty pad book trailas!! (That's my ratchet girl accent xD) and it got me thinking!! I WANT A TRAILER!! But I don't have the software or system or whatever to make one. I'm really clueless.

So please!! My dear, sweet, beautiful readers!! PLEASE!! Can you make a trailer for one of my two books? The New Kid or You Can't Expect The Unexpected

It would be so amazing and so nice if you did!!

If you want to make me a trailer, let me know in advance!! INBOX ME!! DON'T USE KIK FOR THIS!!


Anyway!!!! Thanks for those who actually read all of this xD You know your a true, loyal, WattPad reader when you read all of an authors note!! Even after you were all hype because you thought there was a new amazing chapter to an amazing book!! (Haha sorry if I tricked you!!)

BUT YEAAAHHH!!! THANKS GUYS FOR READING MY BOOKS!! Thank you all so much for getting me this far, this has been a truly amazing journey. When I first started WattPad, I didn't think I would get much readers or that people will like my books... Someone needs to shit on the past me because she was so wrong!!

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Oh.. Wait a minute... Did I thank you guys? Hmmm... Eh whatever... THANK YOUU!!!

I love you all so much!!

Hit me up at Blackstar231 on Kik or inbox me if you have any ideas, tips, or if you just want to straight up chat!!

Love you guys!! Baaaiiiii

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