Girl's Day Out

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I felt the burn of the sun on my closed eyelids. I squeezed them together even more, slowly I sat up. I turned to look at the clock on the wall. It was almost ten. Slowly, I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, taking a shower and brushing my teeth. I threw my hair into a messy ponytail and threw on just a tank top and shorts.

I fumbled downstairs, and like a bloodhound, I followed the amazing scent of frying bacon, tracking it back to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I found Candace, standing over the stove. "Hey!!" I said cheerfully, walking over to her.

"Oh, hey pumpkin!! Good morning" She gave me a quick peck on the cheek as she quickly turned back to the stove. Not only was she making bacon, she was making eggs and pancakes.

"Would you like some help with breakfast?" I offered, not waiting as I quickly flipped over the eggs.

"Oh, god, yes please. Thank you sweetie. I was strugglin', do me a favor and pop some bread in the toaster?" With the both of us, we finished breakfast in no time. We spread the pancakes, bacon, and eggs with toast out all on the table.

"Wow, this all looks so good, thank you so much"

"Oh it was no trouble at all. Eat up"

"Where's Ed?" I asked as I buttered my toast.

"He's out at some meeting, discussing safety issues and whatever" She said, very nonchalant and she shoved, practically the entire egg into her mouth.

"Safety issues? Like... About me?" I asked, a bit worried.

"Oh honey, don't worry about a thing. They're just making sure our security systems are up to date, which they are, trust me. Which reminds me. I have to tell you how to work them so you don't accidentally hit up the police" I nodded my head, feeling relieved. After breakfast, she showed me how the alarm works. It's pretty simple actually, just don't leave the door open for more then two minutes, without shutting off the alarm through a key pad, which is a few inches from the door. If I don't, it would alarm the police to come and investigate the premises. Also, If they need to be alarmed right away, I have to type in a code that will send in a signal for them to come. There is a keypad by every door, and locks on the windows. She was right, this place is very secure. And I'm not at all complaining.

"Ok, now that we got that established, let's go have some fun" Candice said, walking towards the stairs.


"Come on!! Put on your bathing suit!!" She said enthusiastically, going to her room. Obeying her orders, I slipped into my blue floral bathing suit and met her back downstairs.

"Are you ready?" She asked, as she waved for me to follow.

"Yup!! ... What am I ready for exactly?"

"I'm going to teach you how to surf" I trailed behind her into the huge garage, with my mouth agape. There were surfboards of all designs and sizes, lining the wall.

"A-are you serious?" I asked, in complete shock.

"As serious as death. Quick. Now pick a board. I suggest the ones towards the left, those are more for someone your size." she said, walking over and picking out a huge pink board. I walked over to the left side and chose a blue board with a little black logo at the top.

We walked out the garage and onto the beach. While still on the sand, she showed me the basics. It seemed generally easy. Then, after about thirty minutes or so, we finally got in the water. Needless to say, I fell off countless times. I take back what I said. Basics... NOT EASY!!

At one point I just wanted to give up, but Candice kept pushing me. After what felt like hours, I finally stood up on the board, and held my stance for about 4 milliseconds. It may not seem like a lot to you, but I was freaking out with excitment. After that, and falling off a few more times, I was able to hold my stance the whole wave. Even though I was still a little shaky, I was happy with my progress and stopped surfing for the day.

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