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Jason hasn't come back downstairs for a few days.

My loved ones bodies have started to decay. And a terrible smell expelled from their bodies, filling the basement with a disgusting stench.

I was starving... I was cold... I needed a shower... And I wanted to go home

I was sitting in the corner of the room, far from the bodies as the basement door swung open.

"Hey baby girl!!" Jason shouted out, walking towards me. I gripped my legs to my chest in fear. I was terrified of that blood thirsty monster.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked, a blank look swept across his face, I couldn't tell if he was genuinely concerned about me or was just messing with me.

"Nothing" I murmured. That creepy grin crept onto his face as he knelt down next to me.

"You hungry?" Jason pulled out containers full of food and a plastic fork. He held them out for me to take. I starred at them, frightened to eat whatever this man had to offer.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"Relax, it's just Chinese food, considering the fact that body parts plays with your stomach, we won't have you eating that now would we?" Jason slyly said.

I took the food and slowly opened the container. It was full of shrimp lomein and dumplings. I was suddenly happy. I haven't seen food this delicious in forever.

I quickly devoured the food, licking every drop of sauce off my fingers. Jason chuckled then stood up.

"Ugh, it stinks in here!!" Jason walked over to the bodies then kicked them hard "It's all these fuckers fault that your have to sit here and smell this shit!! God damn..." He cursed.

He bent down and picked up Angel's lifeless body and started to drag her towards one of the closets.

"W-what are you doing?!" I asked. He just ignored me and continued to carry her. He stopped and threw her over his shoulder as he took a large set of keys out of his pocket and insert one into the closet door.

But this just wasn't any door... It was the one with the terrible smell that seeped out of the open spaces. Nothing could prepare me for what I was about to see next.

Jason swung open the door and then, all I saw, was dozens of corpses sprawled all over the place.

My eyes widened, I grabbed my chest with one hand and covered my mouth with the other.

The corpse smell got thicker in the room. He walked in and tossed Angel's body on the floor, then casually walked out to drag Kevin's body in the closet as well. Then mom...

Once he was done, he stood in the room and sucked in a bunch of the air.

"Ahh... It smells so good in here!!" Jason exclaimed "I don't know why those bodies smell so bad though!!" Jason said, pointing towards my loved ones "Maybe it's because their bodies are still fresh, sometimes when the bodies first start to decay, it doesn't smell as good!!"

I started crying, I couldn't help it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, walking towards me.

I just shook my head and turned away. Jason came over and pulled me into his lap. Paralyzed with fear, I didn't move at all, I just continued to cry while he rocked me back and forth.

"Shh, it's okay, daddies here, I promise I won't let them hurt you anymore"

I cried even more. I forgot... This demon was my father. Besides, doesn't he realize that he's the one hurting me?!

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