Stick it to the Man(part 1)

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As soon as the idea came to my head, I started planning it. I sketched it out in my notebook. All 20 of us kids, make ourselves look cute as buttons, but the we treat Mrs. Calpakis horribly and cause havoc until she quits or until she surrenders her job to Mr. Finn. Then after that we jam a little to our new catch phrase: "Stick it to the Man." It will become the new band motto, someone could even write a song. I sketched and it looked good. All I need needed to do next was call the band.
Group Message to:
Tomika, Billy, Zack, Freddy, Lawrence, Mason, Sophie, Marcy, Shonelle, Madison, James:

Summer: Band meeting. My place now.
My address is 44569 Wallace St.

Tomika: On my way, but what's the meeting for?

Summer: you'll see;)

Zack: do we bring our instruments?

Summer: you don't have to

Lawrence: will there be food?

Summer: I don't know, just show up please it's urgent!

Freddy: ok, see you in ten

Billy: can I catch a ride with someone?

Tomika: I gotchu Billy

Billy: great! I'll tell my dad!

Freddy: James, my mom can drive you...

James: sweet!

Marcy: Shonelle and I are coming together

Summer: excellent!

Sophie: can I bring anything

Summer: just yourself ;)

Sophie: great! Also, Madison wanted me to tell you that she is on her way!

Zack: everyone's coming except Mason, does he need a ride?

Summer: he lives two doors down, he's already here and taken care of ! See you guys soon!

Everyone showed up just about on time. Marcy's mom was a little late but other than that everything was in order. Now, time to explain the plan.



Ok, I'll admit it, when I was first added to that crazy group chat, I almost clicked "leave conversation". But, then I read Summer's text and instantly ran downstairs to my dad's office to talk to him.

"Dad, I need to go to Summer's right now!"

"Why?" he said, not taking his eyes off his computer. My dad was always busy, and never listened to what I had to say.

"Ummm, there's a Mr. Finn's class....and Summer needed me to come to her house last minute to finish it up..." I stuttered, telling basically the truth. My dad turned around in his chair.

"For school huh? When were you going to tell me about this?"

"It was mostly in class, Summer just forgot that there was something we had to, can you drive me?"

"I guess if it's for school. Go grab your jacket." I turned and ran back up to my room. Halfway up the stairs, my dad called after me.

"Oh, and Zack?" he said. I turned to face him. I thought he had caught me.

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