Chapter 10: Repent, Repent!!!

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Papyrus awoke slowly with a terrible feeling in his back, as though he'd slept on concrete. He slowly arose, setting his hand on something rough and cold. 

What the...?

He looked down to see that he had in fact been sleeping on concrete. That explained his back! After all concre-


How could he have slept on concrete?! He'd only ever seen concrete on the surface!! But, that means that he was....

on the SURFACE?!

He looked up. He saw the sky, the clouds, the plants, the houses!!! Had this whole thing all been a terrible dream!? Was he safe, happy, unharmed?


He groaned as he shakily lifted himself from the freezing, hard ground. His humerus bones were scratched up and his clothes, apart from his boots, had tears in them.  Once he was finally on his feet, he took a look around. This definitely was the surface!!! And the town even looked familiar!!! There was only one problem however...

"Where's Sans....?"

That was the only flaw Papyrus could see. The lack of Sans's presence. That meant he had to search! Papyrus had to know if Sans was okay!!! He needed to find his brother!!!! Despite his back, Papyrus began to walk away from the sidewalk, where he'd somehow fallen asleep. He stumbled a little, as he had just woken up on solid ground, which was definitely NOT comfortable. As he walked he decided to take in some of the scenery, even though he'd seen it before. It was quite a welcoming little town. Nice looking houses, decently clean streets, flowers here and there, and other little things that made the place feel homely. Papyrus, despite the pain in his bones, couldn't suppress a smile. He took a deep breath and sighed happily. Maybe he was free after all.....

Suddenly, however, he was torn from this thought by the sound of distant chaos coming from center town. He jumped as a sudden roar of female voices filled the sky. They sounded pissed off. Papyrus couldn't pin-point how many there were, but there were quite a few! He stopped dead in his tracks and found himself unknowingly winding off course. Before he knew it, his feet were unwillingly guiding him towards the source of the commotion. Papyrus, however, did not fight it. As unnerving as this instant lack of self-control was, he was more than curious as to what was causing such a ruckus. After what felt like half an hour he was finally almost there. The noise had gotten louder with every step, telling him that he was closer to it than he'd originally assumed. The sound of hatred filled female voices rang through the little town, quickly taking away some of the beauty. 

"What are they so angry about....?!"

Papyrus had to ask. He wanted to know! He NEEDED to know!! 

Papyrus's feet led him to a tall building, with the noise just around the corner! The voices were starting to give him a migraine! Maybe if he knew what they were mad at, he could stop it. Once he had control of his feet he didn't hesitate to look around the corner. At first, he was utterly confused. There was a small circle consisting of seven angry women, all shouting at the center of the circle. They all looked significantly different, kinda like the children that fell. He took a few steps closer, and the first sentence he heard sent a chill down his spine...

"BURN HIM ALIVE!!!" shouted a women in rather dowdy clothing. Probably not a big fan of modern day clothing. "TURN HIM TO ASHES!!!!" This woman had light blue eyes. Ice blue. They looked almost electric! Papyrus backed away one step, truly disturbed. But there were only more disturbing things to be spoken....

"TEAR HIS ARMS OFF!!!!" shouted another woman. Her eyes were amber colored. Almost orange. According to her posture, she was quite a brave and strong individual!

Depression kills, no exceptions...(Papyrus Story) *VERY SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now