Chapter 8: Truth...

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Papyrus sat hunched over on the couch, sinking into it, unable to look his friends and brother in the eyes. His head hung low in shame and disappointment in himself. The old white shirt he still wore in place of his costume was stained flame orange from his thick, sticky tears. His eyes were drained and he couldn't cry anymore. Not at this moment. His hands rested on his lap, fingers entwined. Alphys sat in a chair, her hands in a similar position. Undyne and Sans sat in chairs as well, just in front of Papyrus. Undyne had her arms crossed annoyed and Sans just gave an angry, questioning glare. The blue bone Papyrus used hours before lay discarded on the floor, right next to his foot. Both his and Sans's eyes shifted from their present place to the bone uncomfortably. Alphys shook nervously as she shifted her eyes to the softer skull piece that laid discarded as well, right next to her. Undyne held a solid stare on Papyrus. She was NOT in a good mood obviously. 

"WELL?!" she said in her loud tone. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?"

"Yeah!!! Come on bro!!" Sans said in a similar tone. "You can't hide anymore!!! Not with all the things that have happened in the short span of a couple weeks! Think about it! Clothes changing color, sudden aggression, crying yourself to sleep, screaming and shouting, not eating your own spaghetti, falling down the stairs, and now all of this magic out of NOWHERE?!?! HOW?!" Sans's voice rose as he listed each event in the best order he could. Almost on point. Papyrus couldn't look up. He couldn't bare to look his brother in the eyes anymore. He felt great disgust. Turning his head away, he couldn't hold in an ashamed, distraught sigh. His mind then flashed back to something. Something weird. A mask. A mask he had made a while ago. It was plain white with a fake smile painted and plastered onto it. Just like his face. A fake smile plastered on at all times. It came with a thin, long, detachable wooden pole to hold it in the case you didn't want to actually wear it. It had eyes as well. They showed a happy, ecstatic expression. Sometimes, when Papyrus REALLY hated himself, he would take the mask in his hand and stare blindly into the mirror. He used to look at it with a proud, conceited smile and call himself great. He practiced his dialogue, his voice tone, and his actions in it. Sans could always hear him in his room walking and talking proudly. He was always so confident that he would capture a human. FRISK the human. Two weeks ago, he was just like that. Confident, happy, and proud. Then the realization struck. The reality that his world will NEVER be complete, that he'll never have a true ending, and that his brother didn't know a SINGLE thing about this curse hit him like a train from the surface. He even SWORE  on that day that he could hear the horn of one speeding towards him, with the distant sound of wheels against track. His old "friend" Flowey hasn't appeared for awhile. Maybe because Papyrus never went to HIM first. He showed up only about three times during this depressed state. Flowey would come to him wanting to preform certain sadistic activities, and on a normal day of faking ignorant bliss and trust, he would've volunteered without second thought. But he was now done with it. So, as a result, Flowey gave up and left him behind, showing an expression that had never in his entire existence stained his pale, uncaring face before. 


After that, he never returned to him. And Papyrus was fine with that. After all, everything he said was just dialogue. Repeated dialogue that could be rewound at the leisure of Frisk. It was also consistent of sick, torturous deeds that he once thought Papyrus couldn't see through, making him the ultimate victim. The ultimate tool. An object.  A simple walking, empty vessel he could use for cruelty. Well, not anymore. According to himself, it was no longer worth the repetition, not even for Sans. It was no longer worth the satisfaction of similarity. He had to stop. Flowey's words were evil and repetitive. That bothered him greatly. It built up the stress and horror of being alone in a world that was constantly rewinding. It killed him. And now, he sat in front of three innocent monsters who, even if he explained it detail for detail, word for word, would never understand. Never understand what it was like, how it felt, and the mind state he was in after so many repeats and resets. Simply because of the attention span, the interest, and the curiosity of a human child. A DETERMINED human child. One similar to that of the king and queen's child.

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