Chapter 14: Karma...

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*This entire chapter is half of Karma's (Chara's mom) backstory. The other half will come WAY later on, because her backstory's long*

July 16, 200X

Karma sat back in her car for five minutes, simply relaxing. She had just returned home from the store and, although she loved her dear Chara, was REALLY not looking forward to entering the house. She would have to see HIM again. It was 5:30 on a blinding, hot-as-hell summer afternoon. Definitely not the time to put up with her husband's bullshit. But did she really have a choice? Hesitantly getting out of the car, she opened the trunk and grabbed the three grocery bags inside. Light reflected off of the black paint, blinding her for a second, sending pain through her head. She dropped a grocery bag in response. Thankfully, it was just milk. Groaning in annoyance she picked up the bag once again and walked to the door once she locked her car. 

Entering the house, she was suddenly surprised by an excited Chara. 

"Mom!" exclaimed Chara happily, throwing her arms around her mother.

Karma let out a subtle chuckle. Even though this was Chara's typical greeting, it still surprised her sometimes. Placing her groceries on the floor she picked up her child and spun them around. Chara was one of the few things that made her smile. They were the thing that made her smile the most. Laughing happily, she set her dizzy child down, her arms worn out and her upper-back aching as she rose. However, she simply sighed and smiled to her child. Laughing in response, Chara ran upstairs into her room in order to fetch the gift she made for her mother. Picking up the groceries one more time, she looked over to her husband and groaned as she saw him leaning back in a chair, blindly watching the t.v. instead of, you know, doing something useful. Deciding to ignore it, which was harder then it seems, she walked into the kitchen and placed the groceries on the counter. She turned around to leave only to run into Chara again who held up a picture for her to see. Karma smiled as she looked at her child's adorable drawing of them together. She gently took the drawing in her hands and walked to the fridge, hanging it up with a single magnet. She liked it. Chara ran to her mother from behind and hugged her legs. Karma responded by simply putting her hand on the child's head. 

Soon, she was startled by the sound of the television turning off and her husband walking towards them. Chara let go of her mother's legs and ran up the stairs before her father could make it to the kitchen. Karma sighed. Her child had always been unnerved, dare she say AFRAID, of her husband, but she never knew why. She was honestly too unnerved by the behavior to ask. As her husband, Cain, stepped in, he had his usual drunkard look on his face, despite never drinking. His eyes always seemed pissed off about something. Looking to Karma, he dared to ask the stupid question in his head. The one he asked every day when Karma got home from work, the store, anywhere.

"What's for dinner, woman?" he asked in his usual scratched, agitated voice.

Selfish bastard.

Karma growled, an almost inhuman snarl forming on her face.

"Go to Hell burgers with a side of Kiss my Ass!" she answered. She was not in the mood, especially on a hot day like today. Her daily dose of light-headedness was washing over her and she felt as though she'd fall down if the next little breeze pushed into her. 

"Ha, funny," responded Cain sarcastically, fixing the collar of his white t-shirt. "But I'm serious." He cocked an eyebrow in annoyance. 

Karma's eyes hurt at the back. Her head was beginning to pound and another growl formed in her throat. She threw her fist down onto the counter with great force, denting a cutting board.

"If you're so fucking hungry, make YOURSELF something to eat lazy ass!" She had enough. "I'm not your fucking maid!!!" 

The man before her simply rolled his eyes and stood waiting in the doorway, as if he expected her to make food just because he was standing there. Her breathing was speeding up as her heart pounded loudly and harshly. It echoed in her skull. Her eyes dimmed in frustration, but she would not succumb and make this stupid bastard food. He wasn't handicapped! He could get it himself! Even if it was instant noodles or something!!! She really didn't care, or have the energy to care, she just wasn't going to make food for him! Walking from the counter in a dizzied mess, she headed to the doorway and pushed the lazy fucker out of the way. She continued to walk until she was in her and her husband's bedroom and collapsed on the bed, passing out just as she reached it. She slept on her chest and let her dreams take her away from harsh reality. What made things worse was that she had work tomorrow.

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