Chapter 11: See, Hear, Speak No Evil...

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Papyrus tossed and turned in his race car bed for what felt to be an hour. Despite his desperation for sleep, he just couldn't keep his eyes closed. His mind still raced with thoughts, and even some fear.

Why was Gaster back?! Was it really him? No, no it couldn't be him. Right...?

Closing his eyes in frustration, he lay still as possible, hoping against hope that he would fall asleep.

And this time, NOT wake up....

However, his feeble attempt was interrupted by a startling as all hell ringing from his phone. Nearly jumping upward again he scowled as he slowly turned and grabbed his phone, only to see that Alphys was calling him.

Oh great.

Papyrus was hesitant to answer the call. He just wanted to put the phone down, hang up, and go back to bed. But after thinking through his options, he realized there was no possible way of Alphys giving up. She would just keep spamming him with calls and messages until he succumbed. And besides, he'd already tried sleeping minutes ago, and how did well did THAT work out? Anyways, Papyrus crumbled to the annoying truth and answered the phone, saying in groggy and crabby tone voice tone...


At first, there was nothing, but just when he would've put the phone down...He was met with white noise. Loud, unnerving static coming from the other end of the line. Papyrus felt a chill run down his spine, but for some reason, couldn't bear to put the phone down. He sat through at least thirty seconds of static until finally, on the other end, he began to hear little bits and pieces of sentences in a voice much similar to Sans's, only this one was raspy, hushed, and.....panicked?

"What are y.....that's insane...won't hurt will........don't understand......stop......doc don't......"

".......I won't let ya go near him!..........."

Papyrus shivered, an uncomfortable atmosphere beginning to form. What the hell was that about? Why did Sans sound so concerned, so scared? So sick...? Was he okay? Suddenly, without warning, the static was cut off by a loud BEEP! signifying that the call ended. No further did anyone on the other end speak. Papyrus held the phone for about a minute more before finally gathering up the courage to set it down. Unsure of what to do after such....strange call, he decided it was best to read the little note left next to the hours old quiche. However, when he moved his arm, pain shot up through it faster than the sunlight through his window! He winced and fiercely pulled his arm back down!

W-what the hell...?

Slowly, he raised his arm once again, and this time no pain ensued. He gently grabbed the small, folded paper in his bare hand and weakly opened it. He read it as best he could in the lack of light.

Hey Pap! If you're wondering where I am, or how you ended up in bed, I put you in your room and left to talk to Alphys. I just want ya to know, I have many things I want to say and do. In the past, you've always been so kind and forgiving to me, even when I didn't deserve it in the slightest. Honestly bro, I don't know what kept ya going, but whatever it was, I wanted you to keep it up! You were so happy, so smiley, that when you woke up frowning two weeks ago, I was instantly concerned. Of course, you're allowed to have emotions, so at first, I thought of it as just a sad or sick day. But as time went on, I knew somethin' was up. Now that I know you're....depressed, I want to make it up to you for everything ya did for me. I decided to talk to Dr. A. in the hopes that we could find somethin' to, not exactly CURE your sadness, but to at least stop your body pain and lower your stress levels a bit. I might be there for a while, hours at most, and might not get home until nighttime. Please bro, get some sleep, and eat the food I left for ya. I may not be a gourmet chef or anything, but I took extra time with this one, and made sure that it had some protein in it, hopefully to help your strength. Behind it is some liquid Tylenol, and a smaller paper telling ya how much to take. Don't take too much!!! Doubt that you will though, considering it tastes awful. My point is, please be calm, eat, rest, and try to keep yourself as happy as possible in your state. Call me if ya have a problem. You'd better! See ya later, bro! Love ya!

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