Chapter 6: Discovery

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Papyrus had a rude awakening. No, nothing happened to wake him up. But he just HAD to wake up to see Sans sleeping at the side of his bed didn't he?!

God DAMN IT!!! WHY!?!?

Papyrus loved Sans, but now this was just annoying.

( you no longer enjoy your brother's

Only because he keeps going on about my sadness. Can't he just drop it?!

(...awww....but he loves you too much....)

...Just like I love him....

Wow. Papyrus never felt so heartless and selfish. Sans just loved him, just like he loved Sans, and Papyrus thought he was annoying.

How selfish can I be....?

Papyrus began to tear up, whimpering. He was a HORRIBLE brother!!! Why couldn't he just not exist?

(...I know a way or two to make it so you don't...)

....So do I......

Papyrus gets up slowly as to not wake Sans as well. He makes his way silently out of his room and towards the stairs. Papyrus is nervous. He knew what he was about to do. He knew what he was risking, for he wasn't WALKING down the stairs, no...He was...

"Falling" down the stairs....

(..well...go ahead.....)

Papyrus was on edge. Sans flashed back into his mind and he receded a few inches away from the stairway.

I...I can't...Sans...

(...the pressure....)

"Why..? Why were those words enough..?" Papyrus thought to himself as he approached the stairs once more. Papyrus never thought it'd come to this, but he was actually going to do this...He was going to ruin Sans's life...hurt Undyne...Finish himself off............

Papyrus stepped forward and tripped himself over his own foot. As he fell, he said what he thought would be his last words...

"I'm sorry Sans...."

Sans woke up with a start. He heard something fall. Something heavy.

"Paps. Did you hear-?" He stopped as he saw Papyrus wasn't in his bed. "What the-?" Sans got up, a little nervous. Why wasn't Papyrus in bed? Where'd he go? How did Sans not wake up? That didn't matter. He had to find Papyrus now. He left his brother's room and headed toward the stairs calling his brother's name, only to be greeted by a terrifying sight.


He couldn't be seeing this.


This had to be fake.


But it was just, too.....real....


Sans sped down the stairs and instantly went to aid his brother at the bottom. Papyrus was out cold. His skull was cracked so badly that a large piece had come off and three ribs were broken. That "battle body" wasn't really made for protection after all.

"What the hell happened?!" Sans thought. "Did he fall?! How'd he fall?!?!"

Sans was shaking, tears forming in his eye sockets as he held his little brother. He tried to wake him gently. Nothing happened. He tried to be louder. Nothing happened. He tried even shaking and moving him.

Depression kills, no exceptions...(Papyrus Story) *VERY SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now