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You don't need them
This is your life
You define yourself
And you've made quite a few missteps
But don't forget you are a free bird
And this world is yours to take
This is your life
And even the most important people in the world
Cannot define you better than you can define yourself
Feel the steel in the bones of your body
Remember its strength
And remember yours
Because you are a free bird
And free birds fly because they have somewhere to go
Not simply because they can

We all wish the worlds problems were simple
Optimism would have you believe they are
But don't trust those who are misguided by that peaceful thought
Lies sometimes are the most attractive
Pessimism isn't quite right either
Because the world isn't all bad
It's an amalgamation of both love and hate
And endeavor to remember that
Extremes are the most destructive forces of all

It's not all or nothing
That is a lazy way to live
And it's the beginning of the path
That kills
And the world isn't all bad
And the world isn't all good

Endeavor to remember that
Extremes are the most destructive forces of all
And this is your life
And yes you've made quite a few missteps
But don't forget you are a free bird
And this world is yours to take
Not even the most important people in the world
Can define you better than you can define yourself
Spread your feathers
Because it's time to catch the wind
And live your life like it was meant to be lived

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