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I shouldn't be a casualty of war,
But I'm caught under fire,
The scapegoat of your flaws.
We should unconditionally be on the same side,
But you aren't here when you need to be,
There are bullet holes through my heart.

I fear that this damage will go unbandaged,
I plead for your help.
Strength isn't with me these days,
I want you on my side so I can win that battle too.
Forgive me if I'm a bit resentful of how you broke my heart.

We shouldn't have to fight this fight,
And somehow it's the my fault.
Delusional, we're both a bit delusional,
But you won't listen to me when I tell you so.
No matter how you hurt me, my love will not leave,
Maybe I just want you back.
Me and you, we used to rule the world.

My chest bared, I won't fight anymore.
You say you don't deserve to be treated this way.
Well, I'm not the one with the gun,
But you won't listen to me when I tell you so.

I know I haven't been a perfect daughter,
But my heart is in the right place.
Right now I'm wishing that I didn't care so damn much,
All I'm getting is pain.

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