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In your hands,
My words are feathers.
I watch you turn away from the weight of my speeches.
What can I say, what difference will it make?
There are tears falling from my heart,
And effort emptying from my lips.
I am trying so hard but my commitment only meets a brick wall.
And this ain't anything new.
All my life my fight for love has only led to my fall.

I need you to hear me and I need you to believe me,
Because I'm selfish and these words aren't just for you.
There is blood on my lips from how hard I fight.
I don't want all this work to be for nothing.
I really hate you sometimes,
But I'm a hypocrite because I love you so fucking much.
You don't believe me, you don't want to see.

What can I do, what difference will it make?
I am becoming an expert at pouring my words in your deaf ears.
Soon fish may be able to breathe on my cheeks because of the salt that's accumulated over these years.
Never has my loyalty worked against me so fiercely.

Oh dear, sometimes you make me wish I were heartless,
And I have no idea what to do,
However, I will speak until something hits home,
I swear that I will never stop fighting for you until the day I die.
A life lived for you would not be a life wasted.
Oh dear, sometimes you make me wish I were heartless.
Am I even making progress, what difference do I make?
I bare my chest and dissect my thoughts,
But I know it's not my fault.
I didn't build the wall between us, it was only you.
Tears are getting real familiar these days,
But I swear I won't give up on you until the day I die.

I try and peer in your mind,
But you are too afraid of what I will see,
So you have it under lock and key.

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