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Clouds rim my temples in the place of a halo,
Holy is not in my nature.
Fog enters in through my ears and fills up my mind,
Feet on the ground but my head is up there.


I'm built brick by brick on a foundation of passion,
You see, the world was made for the taking.
Collars don't fit right around my neck, and leashes aren't meant for me
Standing alone is my lifestyle of choice.


Meaning must fill all the things I do,
Lack of purpose leaves me in desperation.
Every pair of eyes opens up and I can't look away,
Their lives and their hearts are the definition of beauty to me.


I'm on a search for the cogs that make the world tick,
Understanding creates my sanity.
I've been on both sides of the tracks and come out alive,
Perception is the oxygen in my lungs.


There's a part of me that will never grow out of pigtails and daydreams,
Young at heart till the day I die.
My hands work as paint brushes with paint of imagination,
Working to put my heart into words.


Control can be an obsession of mine,
Motivation for my curiosity.
Chaos gives me some kinda thrilling freedom,
Recklessness is a release.

Outline. Base. Explain.

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