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Now I sing to the stars,
Because no amount of flowery language could begin to explain this feeling,
Here on earth ,
Is perfectly intangible,
And perfectly unimaginable years ago.

I didn't used to believe in love,
It was a temporary arrangement ,
And a waste of time,
And a waste of an already broken heart,

But this is perfection all wrapped up in one emotion,
And I understand what I'd been missing now,
And my whole understanding of the earth and the sky shifts,
As color takes hold of my vision again,

This is the rain after the drought,
I am saved,
As I am given the opportunity to start again,
All because of this angel sent to me from above.

I never believed my sickness could be sucked out by
But I am engulfed with belief now,
Because I've seen heaven,
I've seen the light,
And it's an endless array of color,
That manages to conquer all the deepest,
darkest pits of my twisted self.

And although not an entity of supreme power and omnipotence,
I have something much better,
I have this angel sent to me from above,
A lover who fills the rickety rattling thing in my chest,
With breath.
A lover who provides the mental disaster in my skull,
With healing.

Right now
But there's this angel,
Who opens my eyes
And gives me sight,
And the stars used to winking dots irony.
But now I look into the sky and see promises,
And the stars used to be empty balls of fire,
But now I look into the sky and see inspiration,

And it's all because of this angel sent to me from above.

I didn't used to believe in love,
It was a temporary arrangement,
And a waste of time,
And a waste of an already broken heart,
And a waste of an already broken heart.

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