Chapter 1

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"Maya I'm home" I hear my boyfriend coming upstairs.
I try to hide myself on the closet.

I hear footsteps as I'm hidden, he's there, on the same room as me, I'm scared.

"I know you're in this closet Maya, it has been 2 years now I know every thing" he's saying, I can't believe he's doing this to me.

He opens the door and take me by the wrists and pulled me down on the cold floor.

"STOP CHARLIE !" I cried, I don't want this today, not anymore.

"Maya please ! The more you try to escape it the harder the beating is" Charlie is saying, I'm crying to death as he's kicking me, I hope I was as strong as him, I hope someone will find out and help me.

Once a while, my dear boyfriend (note the sarcasm) was beating me, actually it was once a week, but the less he was satisfied the more it was on me.

"STOP CRYING!!!" He yelled at me.

I nodded and tried to hold the tears from falling down. He picks me up and knocked me against a wall, he starts to roughly rip my arms and then he punched me in the face, I fall on the floor, I can't resist it's too hard.

He grabs a belt and starts hitting me on my back and my legs, it hurts, like hell, but I couldn't do anything.

I know, I tried to call the cops, but they had no clue so they gave up on the case and once they gave up he started beating me even harder.

Tuesday morning, time to go to school. I woke up in my bed with some bandages around my wrists and a lot of scared and a burning back.

Of course it was the beginning of the year so I could wear long sleeves shirt with a pair or black jeans without looking suspicious.

I went to school, I was in the same class as Riley, Lucas and Farkle, Charlie was in a private school so I wasn't seeing him all day.

"Peaches ! How are you ?! You seem very tired" my best friend, Riley told me

Actually yes, I clearly didn't sleep at all, or maybe 20 minutes but nothing more,

"Hey Riles ! Well, morning face !" I faked laughed and then fake smiled.

"Ladiess!!" Says Farkle

"Farkleeee !" We answered as usual, Farkle hasn't changed, he just grew up and became more handsome but he has never changed, always the same little Farkle I knew a long time ago.

"Hey guys !" Says Lucas as he came from behind me.

"Hey huckleberry !" I say, still faking a smile

"Hello Lucas !" Says Riley

Lucas stared at me with a worried look, he took my wrist and I moaned in pain as he was touching my scars.

He led me somewhere else on the hallway

"Maya what happened to you ?"

"Lucas you are hurting me !" I yelled

"Oh sorry I didn't know you were that fragile"

"I'm not, okay ?" I say

"I slightly took your wrist and you moaned in pain, I think you are Maya. What happened to you ?"

"Nothing Lucas, I'm just tired because I've been studying my English test all night"

"There's no English test"

"Oh well sorry you see I'm so tired I don't even know what I'm saying !" I fake laughed

"Maya, we are all worried about you"

"I told ya I'm okay ! We better go to class now" I say as I ran to history class.

Lucas was following me and when I tried to sit down I hissed in pain as my stomach hurts.

"Okay class, today we are talking about believing" began Mr Matthews

"When someone is telling you something, you have no choice to believe it, why ?"

Lucas raised his hand.

"Lucas ?"

"Because we trust them and we have no proofs, I trust my friends whatever they are telling me, but sometimes I can't believe because I just mentally can't, it seems like they are lying" Lucas said as he was looking towards me, he was right behind me yet I knew he was staring.

I turned around and faced him, i put my elbow on his desk.

"Explain yourself huckleberry" I say

"When I look at someone I know, I know when something's wrong and when everything's okay" explained Lucas

"Good Friar, you guys have an assignment, Lucas and Maya are working together since you guys seems to not agree on certain points"

Lucas smiled at me and I turned around.

The bell ring and the classes skipped, it was now lunch time.

"Hey Maya! Can I sit with you ?" Asked Farkle

"Yeah of course" I answered

"What's up with Lucas?" I asked him

"I don't know, he seems to care about you and he's worried"

"Well, tell him to stop, it's none of his business"

"I will, when you tell me what's up with you"

"Nothing's up with me Farkle, I'm the same one since 2 years now"

"Two years, since you are with this Charlie ?"


It wasn't clearly false, ever since I'm with Charlie he beats me so it has been the same for 2 years. But it wasn't really true, it gets worse each day.

"Hey guys !" Riley said as she sat at the table

"Hey !" Farkle and I both said

Then Lucas came and he sat by my side, he was strangely staring at me, I think he was trying to read me like I was a book. The fun fact is that I wish somebody knew about Charlie and I but I also don't want anybody to find out, I know I'm weird.

Once school was over I went back to my apartment I share with Charlie, this time I decided to face it and to directly go to him before he finds me and beats me even harder, ans that's what he did, I came back and he was there, already waiting for me.

He beats me and this time till I start bleeding, I was crying so hard I'm sure China could hear me... Then Charlie received a text message and he left without anything, he left me alone on the ground crying in pain.

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