Chapter 11

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History class was finished is was now time for Art class, my favorite.

I walked in the room before everyone gets in, Lucas joined me making sure I was okay.

"Hello Maya, it's good to see you again, looks like you recover very well!"

"Hello Miss Kossal, Maya can't talk she's sick... And yeah she recovers very well"

Miss Kossal nodded as I walked to a blank canvas, I took some paint and some brushes and let my emotions taking over, no ones interrupted me, once I finished I looked at what I did and I froze, miss Kossal wanted to join and to see but I showed my hand meaning for her not to come, then I looked at Lucas and he came over, he saw my paint and he smiled.

"Wow Maya..."

Some seconds after he took a confused look and then a worried one.

"Maya..." He said

It was me.... Me with bruises and scars... In my weird position with my knees at my face and my head buried on my knees... Around me were some sort of smoke, actually it was Josh's Charlie's faces.

"Maya, we are going to keep this canvas, and when you'll feel ready to forget about the past, you'll take some paint and paint a bit cross all over, please... Agree with this" he whispered

I nodded, still staring at the painting.

" Lucas what is going on that I'm not allowed to see ?"

"Miss Kossal with all my respect this is some kind of private stuff... And when she'll be ready, she'll tell you"

Miss Kossal nodded, without understanding anything but she nodded.

Class was over, at lunch Maya and I sat at a table, there was only us two. Farkle came up to us.

"Look Lucas I'm mad at you because you attacked a member of the Matthews family, but I see somethings going on and it's not only about some anger problems... Maya, Riley doesn't want you to be near Lucas ever again, she's scared Lucas might do something like he did to Charlie and Josh"

"What the hell are you saying ?! You don't know anything Farkle ! You don't know the fucking reasons why I beat up Maya's ex boyfriend and Maya's date !" Lucas yelled

"Then what's the reason Friar ?"

"I can't tell anything about it Minkus"

"I'm not a genius for nothing Lucas, I'm going to find out by my own" Farkle said as he tried to grab me by the arm, I was on the verge of crying because of the hurt Farkle was giving me by touching my arm

"Stop you are hurting her !" Lucas shouted as he lightly pushed Farkle away

"Let her go Farkle ! She stays with me because I'm the only one that can take care of her properly out of everyone in here!"

"Lucas.." I weakly say

"Maya you are talking... Please stay with me" he asked me, he was the only one that knew what happened and he's the only one that protects me

I tried to say something but I couldn't, I nodded and put my head on his shoulder. Farkle looked at us in confusion and went to Riley's table, she was with some other people.

"Maya I'm so happy that the only word you said first was my name..." He said

I looked at him and smiled a bit, I don't know why I can't smile or have any facial expression, I just can't.

He smiles at me and then he ate his lunch, I ate too.

Then the afternoon passed and we were now at Lucas's home, I was on the couch, eating popcorn as Lucas came with caramel and he poured it on the popcorn.

"Maya... Do you think you can't talk now ?" He asked, I looked at him right in the eyes, I wanted to say something but somehow I couldn't, I wanted to thought.

"It's okay I understand, if you can't talk it's not your fault, I'm just here for you no matter what and I'm sure you know it" he said with a bit smile that make me feel safe

I nodded and took some popcorns on my hand.

He took some popcorns too and he ate one, then he cough and hold his throat

"Maya Maya help me !!!" He said between coughs

I was scared I didn't know what to do, I touched his bread and tried to do like they do in Grey's Anatomy, then he looked at me and laughed, very very hard.

"AHAHAHAHA I'm joking !!! You needed to see your face at this moment !!" He laughed

I threw the popcorn at his face

"Not in the mood... Okay okay I get it" he said lifting his arms in the air.
I smiled at him and stroke his arms, lightly.

"That tickles but so much in the good way Maya..." He said

I stroke his arm as we were watching tv, I was next to him, my shoulder against his, my hand touching his arm... I could've stay like this forever.

"Maya it's getting late and I have homework to do" I let him go and he stood up, he went on his room and came back with some books and some pens.

He was doing his homework as I was just staring at him, what would've happen to me if he wasn't there? I don't know but I prefer things that way.

After his homework he went to cook dinner for both of us,

Just the way he was caring about me... I loved it.

He came back with two plates, he sat on the couch next to me and handed me one plate, we silently ate while watching tv.

It was now night time, I went to lie on the couch

"Hey Maya, go sleep on my bed for the rest of the time you are here, it's better up there" he said, I nodded.

I was going to stand up when Lucas suddenly took me bridal style all the way upstairs, he put me on the bed and he covered me with some covers.

He kissed my forehead and he went downstairs, I fell asleep.

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