Chapter 23

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"Guys, if we invited you all here it's because we wanted to tell you something... Some big news are coming" Lucas said as he stood up on a chair, he took my hand and upped me to another chair too.

"Thanks to everyone who came it's really important for us" I said as I held Lucas's hand, I said to all our nearest people.

The list wasn't that long. Zay Smackle Farkle Riley Cory Topanga Eric Feeny Shawn Marly Katy Lucas's parents Auggie Ava Miss.Kossal Harley Chloé Josh PappyJoe...

"The big new is..." Lucas began, hopping I will end the sentence.

"I'm pregnant !" I yelled

"And I'm the father !!" He yelled too, I laughed and got down and everyone cheered and was happy for me, for us. Lucas has years in his eyes again, I can't believe a guy like him loves me and he's making a baby with me.

"Wait wait wait wait" Topanga said in a hurry with a shocked tone

"What's wrong Amazon warrior ?"

"I'm scared that I'm not the Amazon warrior anymore Maya... And... What about Corpanga ?! We are supposed to be goals for people ! Maya ! You are beating us !" She said, I laughed

"No offense Miss Matthews but Maya is the best and the beautifulest people in the whole wide world, it has always been her"

"Oh shut it Chuckie !" She yelled. Then she laughed.

Everyone around laughed and clapped, the rest of the night was amazing, we asked questions to the parents, everyone was happy for us and they understood what was going on, Lucas would say how much he needed me and wanted me to be the only one mother of his kid.

3 months later we received some pretty big news, we went to see the specialist because it was time to know the gender of our future child.
"Maya no matter what gender it is I'll always love you no matter what, but please... Be a little boy" Lucas begged holding my hand, I let out a small laugh and the doctor came, he put the gel on my belly and he massaged me.

He turned on the screen on my right and Lucas and I were both staring.

"So, you can see that it's tiny, it's as tiny as a key" the doctor began
"Can I ask you some questions ?" He asked

"Yes of course" I answered

"Do you smoke ? Drink ? Do you have any blood problems ?"

"No, no and no, I also eat healthy even if sometimes we have a pizza time it's very healthy" I answered

He nodded and wrote on a paper the things I've said.

"Okay good, well you are totally right because your future child is very healthy, he's working really great now" the doctor said, he paused

"Do you want to know the gender ?" He asked, looking at Lucas and I, I looked at Lucas and he was already staring at me, I felt my cheeks burning and he smiled, slowly nodding.

"Yes, we would like to know, is that possible ?" I asked

"Of course it's possible, and it's a......... It's a boy !" He said

Lucas and I cheered and I swear I saw a tear in his eyes.

"AWWW baby you are crying !"

"Maya I love you, I'm so so so happy to know that our future little boy is growing healthy and that I know you'll be the best mother ever, I'm so happy to know that the mother of my future son is someone as beautiful as you" he said

I blushed and embraced him in a hug, the doctor cleared the gel off my belly and I stoop up, I fixed my outfit and Lucas was holding my hand.

Once we opened the door the Matthews's, my parents and Lucas's parents were there, on the waiting room.

"Lucas you go" I say to him,

"Wait, really ?"

"Yeah totally"

"It's a boy !!!" Lucas yelled, everyone stood up and ran all the way to my belly. Riley was the first one and she pushed everyone

"Hey little boy I'm your aunt Riley, you can call me Riles, I'm your mother's best friend and you won't take my place on her heart, understood ?" She said laughing, she then hugged my belly and stood up to face me, we hugged tightly and then let go. Everyone came around me and touched my belly,

"Maya, is that a little boy inside you ? How come he's in there ?" Auggie asked

"Because I ate him 3 months ago and he can't get out so he's staying"

Auggie had his eyes widened, he backed away and Topanga looked at me with an amused smile, she came towards me and she hugged me

"Good luck, I had to raise someone like Riley, I hope you won't have that" she laughed, I laughed too

"You are the future best fierce Amazon warrior Maya, I'm very proud of you"

"Yeah, Amazon warrior and cowboy ended up together, who would've guess ?!" We laughed.

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