Chapter 8

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"Charlie?" Zay and I both said at the same time.

"Yes guys it's me, I moved school since my grades there were really bad" he said with a dumb smile

I clenched my fists as I saw his already bruised face.

"Wow calm down Lucas, it's just Charlie !" Zay said

Yeah I know I didn't tell anyone about what Charlie did to Maya, and it's better that way.

"Yeah, yeah you are right" I said I my fists were now redder than ever.

"Lucas bro calm down !" Zay tried to calm me down

"No Zay it's okay I mean I know I didn't do anything but he must be frustrated about something" Charlie said

That was it, I pushed him hard against the locker, I slapped him across the face and I kicked him hard on his legs, a lot of time, then I strangled him.

He was suffocating when Mr. Matthews finally came to separate us.

I let go his throat and he fell on the ground, gasping for air.

"LUCAS !" Mr Matthews yelled


He dragged me all the way to the office and he stayed with me.

"Hello Mr Friar" the principal said

"Hello Mr Johnson"

"What brings you here with Mr. Matthews?"

"He strangle a pupil, named Charlie Gardener, and he also beat him up" said Cory

"And can I know why Lucas ?" The principals said

I wanted to tell him, I needed to, but I couldn't

"Anger problems sir" yeah yeah, keep saying that

"You are dispensed of school for the whole week, and it's actually Monday mr.Friar, go home now"

I nodded and shook his hand, I saw Mr.Matthews looking disappointed, he only seen Texas Lucas almost beating a guy, he thought I would never do that again since his daughter and Maya 'changed' me. They didn't, I only act different because Maya's there, I don't want to disappoint her or to scare her away so I keep calm. Now Maya wasn't there and Charlie did things to Maya for 2 years now.... I could've kill him.

I went back home, I couldn't be happier, I was going to see Maya after almost 2 hours after I left the house

"Maya I'm home, don't ask me why because I'll tell you later" I say as I enter the house.

I see her on the couch, her knees in front of her face, her head buried on her knees.

"Hey Maya"

She didn't reply, I came to her to hug her but she backed away, she looked scared.

"Maya... I'm sorry okay, I know you probably don't want to talk about it and I respect it, I never wanted these things to happen to you and I totally blame myself for not knowing earlier..." I said.

She lifted her head and shook her head no,

"Maya... Are you okay ?"

She shook her head no again

She's traumatized, I don't care thought I'll always be there for her no matter what.

"You can get our of this trauma, I'll be there for you at every steps, just don't blame yourself for falling for this stupid guys, I'm here now, and I'll always be" I say

She looked at me in the eyes for a while, and then buried her face on her knees.

I went upstairs and took all the bags with Maya's stuff with me, I took them downstairs near Maya so she can change whenever she wants.

"Maya these are your clothes, I know you'll stay on this wheelchair for the whole week but at home you'll be on this couch so... It's better when your clothes are here"

She nodded as I took the empty plate and the empty glass of the table, I went to the kitchen and washed them.

I went back to Maya and I was ready to tell why I was back home so early.

"Soo.... Maya.... If I'm here earlier it's because... I saw Charlie at school today, and... I got angry... And no one could stop me so I slapped and kicked him... And then I grabbed his throat and strangled him... Then Mr.Matthews came between us and I let go.... I went to the principal's office and I'm suspended from school the whole week"

She looked at me then went back into her position.

Okay she must've accepted it... I hope she did.

"I told the principal that it was because of anger problems... I hope he will believe it"

This time she didn't move.

Time skipped and I was going to cook lunch. That's what I did, I handed Maya her plate and I went to sit on a arm chair and I ate there.

Things were really awkward the rest of the day, as much as the evening and the night. Same thing happened, I cooked, handed the plate to Maya and ate somewhere else. 

Then for the night I let her change into pj's and I went upstairs to take a shower. When I came back downstairs I gave her some pillows and a cover and then she fell asleep, I went into my room and fell asleep.

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