Chapter 24

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5 painful months with that big belly of mine... Thanks to Lucas because he's doing everything now, he's buying the groceries, cleaning the apartment, cooking all the time... He's taking me and the baby out... I don't know, I really owe him everything.

"Maya it's okay, you have this little monster inside you, I can hold cleaning and cooking babe. But... I was thinking..." He began

"I was thinking we could... You know... Move away, this apartment is not good enough for the baby Maya..." He said, hoping I would react good.

"Of course Lucas, but we have to process and to search for a new apartment, we don't have the money for" I said.

"What ? Of course we have the money for ! We don't spend a lot of money and we have a lot of money now. It's clear that we can have a new apartment, you know what ? While I'm at work stay on the computer and search for a new apartment, when I come back I do all the hinge I have to do and then I'll help you ! But right now I have to go to work" he said as he kissed me passionately, and then he kissed my belly, and then he kissed me back, I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss and he put his hands around my waist, he let go and stares at my eyes.

"I would love to be with you the whole day like this little boy is doing but I really have to go to work, I love you Maya"

"I love you too" and then he closed the door.

Lucas's POV:

I was now at work, I still work at Topanga's with Maya. Well, now she's not but we are both working there. Okay okay, I'm hiding stuffs to Maya... I actually already found a new apartment... It's actually a small house, with a little garden for our little puppy... Oh wait, I didn't tell you, I'm having her a puppy, so the baby and the puppy will grow together.

"Hey Lucas ! How's Maya ?" Topanga asked me

"Hey Topanga ! She's doing great, she thinks we are in a searching phase for an apartment" I tell her as I put my apron on.

"Great... And how are you doing ?" She asked with concern... I know, I have bags under my eyes and I'm tired almost all the time, but it's for Maya and actually I want this because I'm doing things the right way.

"I'm fine, I know that working, cleaning, cooking, caring is very very hard to contain but I'm doing it and I'm fine"

"Lucas, I have an idea, it's one month till the baby's out... I want Maya to stay at mine till the baby comes, so you will pack stuffs for moving and you'll get some rest... You can't say anything Riley has already texted Maya"

"Wow... Thank you Topanga... Take a good care of her" I said

"Forever welcome Lucas" she said, then the day went normal, I worked all day and when I came back Maya wasn't home, Riley texted me earlier telling me Maya was with her till the baby comes, what a great new!

I cleaned the house and cooked dinner for me, then I went to sleep and I slept alone, it feels weird but it's better now.

I woke up at 1pm... It's Saturday I don't work the weekends.

Today was such a great day, I didn't do anything, I just cleaned up the place and I stayed on my computer and my phone the whole day, texting a lot of people to help me with the moving. Everyone was coming tomorrow at 2pm to help me packing, todsy I just packed my clothes and some of Maya's things, I also did a lot of boxes with a lot of different stuff in it, like for the kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom... The books, movies... Everything we had actually. All the furnitures were now empty so tomorrow we will just have to put them in the truck and then taking them to the new house.

All my friends from the sports teams were coming, the plus the Matthews were helping when they will be off of work, Maya's parents were coming and mine too... I'm sure that by the end of the month everything will be set up, we will have our little puppy with us and we will live happily all together. I decided to call Maya.

L- hey babe !
M-hey huckleberry, what are you doing? I miss you
L-I miss you too baby,nothing much. What are you doing ?
M-I'm at Riley's we're in the bay window.. Have you took some rest ?
L-yes totally! I slept the whole night now and it was really great, I feel less tired that before and it feels really good.
M-sorry Lucas
L-for what Maya ?
M-it's my fault if you're tired all the time, you're always doing everything while I can't do anything because I have this big belly
L-no it's not your fault babe, it's just that I want to take care of you and that now it's not my turn, I'm in love with you Maya Hart, that's why I'm doing it
M-I'm in love with you too Hopalong, I have to leave you now, Cory is calling me. Bye honey love ya !
L-bye Hun ! Love ya too !"

And I hung up.

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