Chapter 17 - Return

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Chapter 17


Oh God, my HEAD! *Groooooooooaaaaaan* it hurts soooooo much. All I remember is the explosion... and diving into a hole... and then I was captured. That's all...


Hot tears streamed down my face faster than possibilty. I held his face in my hands.

"Oh God, Danny, what did they do to you?"

My tears wet Daniel's face as he tried to lift his hand to my face.

He screamed in agony, snapping it back down to the table.

"Oh lord in heaven help me." I murmured, sobbing like a stupid, weak baby. Daniel's beautiful green eyes showed not just physical pain. I could see that he was mentally suffering, too.

"Shhhh... I'll be okay." He said. "Look! you cleaned me up pretty good, huh?" I laughed through my tears, laying my head on his bare chest. I listened to him breathe while I closed my eyes...


I was woke up to Tanix smirking at me from a sideways angle. I yawned and stretched, keeping in mind a sleeping Daniel was underneath me.

"Geez, what happened to him?" Tanix said. I shrugged, brushing Daniel's bangs off his face.

"Dunno. I'm just glad he is alive." I smiled at Tanix.

"Well, I cleaned the freaking blood puddle off the porch." He said gesturing behind him with a funny look on his face.

"oh thank You! What would I do without such a noble man?!" I exclaimed, leaning back against his chest with my hand on my forehead. He chuckled, tazzing me with his hands. I laughed, falling to the floor, and clutching my stomach.


Later, we decided Daniel had to stay with us. We put him in Tanix's bed because it was the only bed to fit him. Tanix was sleeping on a pull out that was attached to my bed.

I stared at the ceiling thinking my life over for a moment.

Daniel and Tanix were both back safe... ish. The crazy war with the stupid humans was still going. We had found Theus.

But was with me and Daniel? With 'us'?

Was there an us? Okay, think, Sky. How does he make you feel.

Special. Wanted. Beautiful.

Oh, honey, you are a freaking idiot! Every girl says that!

Special. Wanted. Beautiful. Strong. Worthwhile. Needed.


"What did you think of Theus's remark?" He said stepping closer to me.

"I-I..." I stuttered. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy - they are more like dragons. He rested an arm on the area of wall above me. "Uh..." I said.

My back was flat against the wall, my breathing became rapid as Daniel tilted his head closer and closer to mine.

"I-It w-was just-t... i-imat-ture..." I said. My breathing hitched.

He pressed his lips softly to mine, his eyes closed. Encased in the kiss was love, but also pain. My eyes fluttered closed as my tensed muscles relax. he pulled away only half and inch.

"Great. Now I'll never sleep." I whispered to Daniel. A wide grin reap across his face.

*End of Flashback*

I guess every girl says that... But there is a reason, isn't there? Every girl who says she feels that way when the guy she loves is around, later realizes she is in love.

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