Chapter 3

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Shay's POV

I sighed and looked back out onto the play ground fiddling with my fingers.

"Well..." I honestly don't want to tell him. What if he thinks I'm psychotic and will leave me here alone?

"Hmm?" He hummed patiently waiting for me to continue on. I looked up to his piercing blue eyes, and he encouragingly smiled and nodded. I dragged my fingers through my long straight brown hair, then started to pick at the blue nail polish.

"It started when I was seven. My father wasn't the best person to be around. But my mother had work from five a.m to 6 p.m and I had a little sister of the age of four. My father couldn't work because he has a blood clot in I believe his arteries, and the doctors can't remove it or he will die. Anyways, I'm not sure if it's because of the medicine he takes for the clot, but he's always furious with me, but never my sister," I looked over at Luke, and he was staring at the trees swaying back and forth from the wind. He looked over and slightly nodded for me to continue. I looked back at the seesaw and started again.

"But when I was seven, that's when he started calling me names, and throwing things on a daily basis. Especially if I talked too much, or was too loud, I would get screamed at and he would run up to my room and destroy everything and tell me to clean it up. My mother was never there to defend me, but I was there for my little sister. When he would have screaming and throwing fits, I would hide away with my little sister in my room, and would read her a book. But we weren't allowed to ever say the word "mom" or she would cry because she would miss her. Whenever she would cry, or if I cried, I would get punished. I guess it's because I'm the oldest, so I would have to take the punishments, which I would gladly take the pain and not see my little sister take it. I don't ever want my sister hurt." Luke smiled at me sympathetically.

"Anyways, he calls me names. You probably can guess which ones. I stay quiet though, because if I ever talk, he has a "special" metal bat that he uses. It's extremely painful, so I'd rather go without. I have different punishments for different actions I take. There are too many to explain so I won't. But yeah, talking is one. I'm not supposed to, so I stay quiet. I'm not even allowed to have friends, because he's afraid that if I do, I can seek out them for help. I'm not even supposed to be talking to you right now. I'm supposed to be home up in my bedroom without any communication." I stated as I started getting up from the swing facing Luke.

"Okay I'm sorry I'm not supposed to be out here, and I'm defiantly not supposed to be interacting with people. I think I should go before he finds out." Luke was staring at the ground once I got up, but looked up and I saw tears in his ocean blue eyes. Fuck, I made him upset. What do I do now?

I gently take his large right hand and start to rub it comfortingly. He slightly smiled and got up from his seat on the swing. He pulled me into a hug.

I didn't expect this at all, but I buried my head into his chest as he rubbed my back soothingly. We stood there for about a a couple of minutes in silence.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know. If I can help in any way possible, please tell me. I don't want to see you and your little sister in danger." I looked up to see him smiling down at me. My stomach turned. I knew instantly this was a terrible idea to tell him. Yeah help is great, but if my father finds out....

"No it's okay really. I have to go bye." I pulled his arms off me as quick as I could and started to run. I threw my cup of melted untouched ice cream into a garbage can as I ran by. Why did I tell him? Why? Shay, you're so fucking stupid wow.

It's nearly pitch black out, it's probably around nine now. I can't return home, who knows what he has in store for me. I stop running and walk at a slow pace looking at the darkness that surrounds me. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm terrified of what my father will do about this. I smell my sweatshirt, and the scent of Luke's cologne lingers on it. It's smells extremely good, but if my father smells it, I'll be dead quicker than you can say "good bye."

I'll just have to find a safe place to stay over night and sneak into my house before school to get ready. He doesn't wake up that early, but I'll be fast just in case. The sound of my sneakers thudding on the cold hard pavement, and the sound of crickets chirping could only be heard. I'm close to my house now but I can't go in, so I turn around and head for town. I walk by a few houses but freeze in my tracks when a voice calls out in the dark.


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