Chapter 14

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Shay's POV

"Hi Shay, I'm Calum." The friendly boy smiled and poked my cheek. I smiled back and Luke gently squeezed my thigh.

"The boys should be here-" Two boys barge in to the house's front door laughing and fooling around. Calum and Luke got up to give them a bro hug but Luke quickly sat back down next to me.

The one with curly hair smiled as his dimples showed and made his way towards me.

"And who might this pretty girl be?" He giggled and took my hand, gesturing me to get up. He brought me into a warm hug and rubbed my back. Smiling, I quickly let go and sit back, down closer to Luke. I'm not that used to contact; as in hugging, kissing etc, so I get a bit awkward.

"My girlfriend Shay." Luke protectively wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I widen my eyes at his statement 'girlfriend'. I know this must seem silly, but I've never had a boyfriend before. You probably know why.

I slightly shifted under his touch, he didn't seem to mind. The way he claimed me as his sent all of the butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I blushed with pink creeping onto my cheeks.

"Awww Lukey got a girly friend." The boy with his hair dyed gushed.

"Luke's got himself a girl!" Calum exclaims dancing around.

Laughing, I move closer to Luke and rest my head on his shoulder as I feel the vibration of his laughter from his body.

"Okay okay, well nice to meet you Shay, I'm Ashton."

"And I'm Michael." They both grinned and sat down on the couch across from Luke and I. Calum came and joined on the other side of me. I can tell I already like these boys and I could trust them, because why not? They're friendly, cute and funny.

"So what should we do?" Michael asked sprawled all over the couch.

"Hmm, truth or dare?" Calum suggested while laying his feet across Luke and I's laps.

We all agreed and well.... I guess the fun began?

After hours and hours of truth or dare never have I ever, video games, pizza and movies, Luke and I went back to his house and we're currently cuddling in his bed. Could this day get any better?

Laying here, I can't help but think of all the fun I had today. I met three more boys that are extremely funny. I now have a boyfriend. And I had fun.

"So you don't mind me calling you my girlfriend?" Luke asked breaking the comfortable silence. He looked down at me as I shifted so I could face him.

"I would be happy to be called your girlfriend, Lucas Robert Hemmings." I winked and laughed at his whining on how I used his full name.

"Shaaaayyyy I don't like getting called my whole name." Luke whined poking my side making me jump. He quickly pulled his hand back startled.

"What are you-"

"No I'm not, nope no." I quickly say as a sly smirk spread across his face.

"Yes I think you are actually." He lunged and started to tickle me; tears stream down my face and I laugh hysterically.

"N-no s-s-stop Lu-uke!" I manage to sputter out while Luke's fingers continue to attack my sides and neck.

"Say I'm the best boyfriend in the world first!"

"Luc-cas r-robert h-hem-mings st-top!"

"Nope not until you admit it!" He continued and pushed me back onto the back. His legs on either side of my legs and he hovers over me.

"O-okay okay, yo-ou are t-the best b-boy f-f-friend in the w-world!" I confess and his hands automatically drop from my sides. I wipe my tears from laughing and look up to see him still hovering over me. I smile as he studies my face and slowly cups it with his right hand bringing his face closer to mine.

"You're beautiful Shay." I blush and advert my eyes somewhere else and he slowly brings his face closer to mine. His minty breathe can be felt against my skin and we just stare into each other's eyes. His beautiful blue ocean eyes are bright at the moment from I'm assuming happiness.

Our lips brush and I close my eyes waiting to feel his lips. This would be my first kiss, and I'm glad it's with Luke. He's perfect. I can't find any words that could describe him.

He closes the gap between our lips and brings me closer to his chest. The kiss is slow and our lips move in sync. His soft plump lips match mine perfectly and I wouldn't want to any where else right now.

Shortly after we pull away to breathe. We just kind of lay there and smile at each other. He gets off of me and climbs under the covers patting the spot next to him. I smile and crawl over to his side and he pulls the covers up and around us. He pulls my back to his chest and he tangles are legs and feet together. His arm is wrapped around me, his body giving off comforting warmth that I welcome.

I AM SUCH A BAD PERSON OMG I HAVENT UPDATED IN LIKE 3 WEEKS I AM SO SORRY SJABDJWBAIS I have thanksgiving vacation now, so you guys will be getting updates :) I am so sorry omg

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