Chapter 8

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Shay's POV

"Yeah I'm ready." I replied back looking up at him.

"Alright then, get ready to have a magical day. In three, two, one!" Still hand in hand, and Luke on the count of three, ran and dragged me along with him. But first we stopped at our lockers, grabbed our bags and shoved our school supplies in them.

Laughing like idiots, we ran through the crowded hallways, through the double doors, and now are making our way across the court yard. I couldn't help but look around, and find that many people are giving us dirty looks. But this one time in my life. I don't care what they think.

I honestly, can't understand why we're laughing, because we're just running through the court yard, but I'm glad we are.

After dodging quite a few people and trees, we finally make it to the main busy street. We slow down and come to a stop. We have finished laughing, but we still had those contagious smiles on our faces. We sit there for a few minutes resting, and watching the different colored cars go by, creating wind that made our hair blow around.

"Alright, since it's like a million degrees out, and we're wearing pants, we're going to have to stop by our houses to grab shorts or skirts; whatever you want to wear." My face falls at the comment 'we're going to have to stop by our houses' and I feel nauseous. My heart begins to race at an unusually fast pace and I close my eyes, shutting them tightly closed. The vile rises up in my throat, but I force it down and look at Luke who has started to rub my back.

I was having an anxiety attack, just like the first day Luke came, and I dropped my books.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked while concern laced in his soothing voice.

"Yeah I'm fine." I manage to get out. He takes me in his arms and rubs my back, and I place the side of my face on his chest. This seems to have calmed my fast heart rate down, and overall stopped the panic attack from progressing.

"It was just an anxiety attack. I usually have those. I'm okay." I explain.

"It's alright, I'll be there with you at your house. I'm going to come in with you. Did you really think I was just going to have you go in alone?" He laughed slightly and turned my body so now I was facing him.

"I uhh... I don't know." I confessed and looked down at our shoes that are touching.

"Well now you do. But we gotta start going now so we can finish all the things I have planned for us. You ready?" He smiled as the light from the sun shimmered on the top of his hair where the beanie didn't cover.

"Yeah haha."

"Alright, here we go!" We started to race back home. Well to my house first. It didn't take long to get to it, but we slowed down and bit when the green and white house appeared into view. We stopped directly in front of the house frozen. He gently took my hand in his and squeezed it, and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I'll be right there by your side. I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you." He promised smiling. I smiled back at the thought that I can actually completely trust him with my safety.

We walked inside quietly, and snuck up the staircase that was next to the doorway. Trying not to create any noises in the dark hallways that the sun doesn't reach, we felt our way to my bedroom door and slowly opened it. Closing my eyes praying that it wouldn't make an unnecessary creaking noise. I can hear Luke and I let go of a breath we didn't know we were holding in, when the door was silent.

Walking into my bedroom, Luke stayed directly behind me, guarding me from anything that could pop out and hurt me.

"Grab a bag, you'll be staying over my house." He whispered almost silently. I nodded and set my school bag down on my bed, but grabbed a different bag from the closet that I could use. I opened it and went straight to my drawers and took out a pair of grey pajama pants, two pairs of Hollister blue shorts; you may ask, how can you have two pairs of Hollister shorts if your father is neglectful and doesn't buy you shit, and you don't have a job? Well I do have two older sisters. But they have no idea where we are. But these were theirs, I took them before my dad left with my little sister and I.

I reached back into the drawer and grabbed a white laced sundress; another thing I took from my sisters, and grabbed two shirts. I zipped the bag closed, and nodded to Luke but before we left I quietly whispered,

"I need to grab my makeup bag and straightener." He nodded and quickly followed me as I quietly ran to my bathroom and grabbed all of my necessities and shoved them back into my bag. I once again and nodded and we made our way down the stairs, through the door, and made a run for it.

Luke grabbed my bag from my shoulders and held it himself as we ran. I smiled back and he stuck his tongue out, causing us to laugh again.

Finally we made it to his house that was a couple streets over, and we walked in with his mother standing at the door.

"Hello, I'm Liz Hemmings, and you are?" She politely asked with a warm smile.

"I'm Shay. Lovely to meet you."

"What a sweet young girl. Luke you be nice to her okay?" She said turning to her son who was red in the face from embarrassment.

"Yes of course mum." He replied and led me upstairs into his bedroom.

"Alright you can change in the bathroom, because I'm assuming you have makeup to do or something. I'll get change in here." He explained while he grabbed some shorts from his closet.

"Okay." I simply said and went to his door, but before I could turn the knob Luke said something.

"You know, you don't need that makeup. Sounds cliché I know, but really." He said staring at the floor blushing.

It seems like we always blush in his bedroom, but I couldn't fight off the blush and smile that crept onto my face. I quietly thanked him and went to his bathroom.

I set out the straightener, makeup bag, a pair of shorts, and a pink shirt. I quickly got changed as the straighter heated up, an applied black eye liner to the top of my lid. Then finished off with mascara. In a matter of minutes my hair was finished with the straightener. I packed up my things and headed to Luke's room. I quietly knocked on his door for him to swing it wide open grinning.

"Lets get started."

Sorry for taking so long to update! I've been busy :/ but hopefully you like this chapter. Oh and thank you for 69 reads! ;) And 7 votes! I really appreciate that, thank you, love you :) xx

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