Chapter 7

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Shay's POV

After what seemed like a short amount of time, Luke and I let go of each other. He has the biggest smile on his face, and I can't help but smile back.

"Hey tell you what, me and you should go somewhere after school maybe?" Luke asked then grabbed my hand and started to gently rub circles into it.

"Yeah sure, where to?" I haven't felt this happy since I was about five years old. It worries me that I think I'm falling for Luke. But maybe he's falling for me too? Ha no. Of course he wouldn't be.

"It's a surprise." He cheekily grinned wiggling his eyebrows up and down. I couldn't help but laugh. But it was a real laugh, one that I haven't had in a long time.

"Okay sounds... Mysterious and fun haha." I replied smiling back.

"Shay did I just make you laugh?" Luke raised his eyebrows and smirked. I blushed and looked at the ground, but I could still feel his eyes on me.

"Uh uhm yeah I guess you did."

"Don't need to be embarrassed I love your laugh." Luke said and he put his finger under my chin, lifting it up so I'm looking at him now. I tried to fight my smile back, but failed miserably and said a quiet thank you.

"Hey you two! No PDA on school property!" A teacher scolded and walked away. Luke dropped my chin and we started to laugh hysterically.

"Hahaha she thought we were going to kiss!" I laughed and Luke rested his face on the table laughing.

"Haha I c-can't stop l-laughing!" Luke sputtered out trying to calm down. After about five minutes of laughing our asses off, we finally calmed down.

"But maybe I was going to kiss you." Luke pointed out smirking. A blush crept onto my cheeks leaving a red tint.

"Get to class! Lunch is over!" The same teacher that thought we were going to kiss called out. Luke grabbed my hand and intertwined my short fingers with his long ones.

We walked through the halls in the sea of people walking to their lockers. He walked me to my locker near the white painted brick wall, and stayed there until I got my text book for history and a notebook.

"Now come along to my locker." Luke said sticking out his tongue. I giggled and he took my hand with his, swinging our arms back and forth. Once he collected his history textbook and notebook, we rushed to class.

He followed me to the back of class and sat next to me. I watch him as he tries to get his slim body into the desks, and laugh at the memory of the first day he came and did the same thing. He glanced over and smiled, then we took our notebooks out and started to write stuff down from the board.

"Pst Shay." Luke whispered. I raised my eyebrows looking at him and, then went back to taking the notes from the white board.

"Shay Shay Shay Shay." Luke whispered again tapping me.

"Yes Luke?" I asked while facing him, and he looked back at his notebook and started to write down notes.

"What?" He said trying to keep a straight face looking back up to me from his notebook.

"You called my name?" I asked questioningly.

"No I didn't? You're hearing things." He shook his head grinning and went back to his notebook. I did the same but soon felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned back and no one was there. I shrugged and went back to taking notes. Then someone tapped me again, but this time I caught the culprit. Luke.

"Yes Luke?" I asked once again.

"What?" He asked trying to act innocent.

"I know you're tapping my shoulder."

"What no? That wasn't me?" I roll my eyes and try to finish my notes. Luke attempts to tap me again but I catch his hand, holding it in mine.

"Well?" I raised my eye brows smiling because now he can't make an excuse.

"I was stretching?" Luke laughed.

"Okay okay you caught me." He winked and went back to his notes.

I forgot that I was holding Luke's hand for five minutes so I drop it quickly, but he takes it back in his. My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. The butterflies are trying to explode out of my stomach. But all I do is smile. I glance out of my eye to see Luke smiling to himself while writing.

When class is almost over, a note from Luke lands on my paper. I quickly open it with my free hand and read it.

*You ready for today?*

I grin and scribble down my answer and pass it back to Luke and he opens it, smiling like an idiot. He looks over and squeezes my hand which makes my heart do backflips. I can't believe I'm falling for him so fast. But is this normal? Or should I try to control my feelings?

The school bell goes off signaling the school day is over. We pack up our things still holding hands. He leans over and whispers in my ear, sending chills down my back.

"You ready?"

This was crappy too but the next chapter you might like a lot better :) I'll try to update again today but no promises

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