Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Monique's POV

I was walking with Briana to my room smiling as I replayed our playful banter in my head. Then I started thinking about the first thing I saw when I woke up. It was Shawn's handsome face smiling at me 'how the hell did we end up being face to face?' I asked myself 'and I'm pretty sure I was laying on his arm' I thought. Finally reaching my room I went straight into my closet Briana was very similar to my size so it shouldn't be hard for me to find her a shirt

"Wow you have a huge room!" Briana told me as she observed my room

"Yea it's pretty big" I said walking out of the closet and handing her one of my shirts. "it wasn't always this big though my grandparents knocked down several walls to make it this big."

"Well that was nice wish my grandparents did something like this for me" she said she ripped on her wet shirt and put in the new one. With both of our dry shirt on we walked back down stairs into the theater to go get Shawn and Chris so that we can leave.

------Shawn's POV------
We had just left Monique's house when she asked me a question "So Shawn how do you think your fans are going to react to your first tattoo?" Monique asked

"Mm... I Love it theirs a personal meaning behind it so hopefully they like it too. If they don't oh well if they do great" I said looking down at the fresh ink on my forearm

"And your family?" She asked

"They'll like it especially after I tell them the meaning behind it" I said smiling.

"Hey Moni?" Briana asked "Are we going to meet your friends tonight? I mean obviously we are because it's a meet and greet but are you going to bring them backstage after the meet and greet is finished?"

"Yea I was thinking about it since it's going to be our last night out for awhile" Monique replied back "why do you ask?"

"Uhh.. You know just asking I figured it'd be nice to meet some of your friends since your going to be stuck with us for a few months" Briana said casually

Getting to the venue took a little longer then intended as we got stuck in traffic luckily Monique knew all the back road once we got off an exit. The closer we got to the venue the more I excited I got. I'm really excited for my fans to hear my new stuff I've been working on. I was shocked as we got closer and I saw a huge long line that led all the way back to the venue. This is definitely how you kick off a tour. Luckily for us we made it to the backstage parking lot with no problems at all as Monique's windows were tinted extremely dark so no one realized I was in the car.

"Well I'm going to go walk that long ass line until I find my friends, hopefully they have a separate line for those with meet and greet passes so I'll see you guys when I get in there. Then after the meet and greet is finished I will take my friends to the back stage and introduce them to you guys. Sound good?" Monique said as she parked her car and opened her door

"Oh and by the way most of my friends don't get along with Aaron they say the only reason they put up with him is because of me but Kayla is the one who hates him the most every time they're around each other they start arguing so if they come off as being bitchy just know that is directed towards Aaron and not you guys, okay?" Monique said reassuringly

"Don't worry about it I'm used to bitchy " Chris said punching her in the arm

"Ha if you say so. I'm going to go find my friends now so I'll see you guys in a bit" she said waving and walking off

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