Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


I was in the kitchen searching through the cabinets for something to eat when I was ambushed by a group of people dragging me along with them.

"Guys, what are you doing?" I asked

"Quiet down"
"Shut up before you wake her up"
"Be quiet" were just some of the things I heard from them before being pushed into a room.

"Take a seat Shawn" Chris said

"Yea, is that before or after you guys shove me into a room?" I said sarcastically before sitting down.

"Sorry about that we're just excited" Chris said

"So?" Lexi said smiling wide

"So?" I said

"Have you thought about how you're going to tell Moni you like her?" Z asked

"No... I mean not really" I replied back nervously

"Well what's the matter?" Kenneth asked

"I dunno guys. Im-a I'm just a little scared that's all"

"of what?" David asked

"I guess I just don't want to mess anything up. She's important to me and even though I've known her for a short period of time she means the world to me. I want to be with her but I'm afraid that one day something will go wrong and I might lose her and I don't want that." I said looking down at the ground

"Are you being serious right now dude?" Briana asked


"Are you blind or something? That girl in there likes you just as much as you like her okay. I don't know how many times we have to hint it to the both of you before you two get the clue but everyone knows how you two feel for each other it's obvious. The easy part is down you both like each other now all you have to do is make it official. We aren't saying to marry her or anything right now because you're both to young but we are just saying to ask her out or something" Kayla said

"It's not that easy" I stated

"And how is that"

"Well... I mean...Because she just got out of a relationship what if it's too soon for her" I said coming up with the quickest excuse.

"Oh please!!!!" Kayla said sarcastically. "Aaron was a dick to her and you know that! Look in all honesty for as long as we've known her I've never seen her so happy with someone the way she is when she's with you. It's like i dunno know it's like you bring out a whole new her."

Do I really I thought to myself. It was silent for a minute and I assumed it was because everyone was waiting for my response.

"Can we talk about this when we get to Florida. I need to think of a few things and if I need any of you guys help I'll let you know" I said

I heard several huffs and puffs as everyone started to exit the room. Once I was finally alone I layed back and tried thinking of ways to make Moni mine. Like Kayla said the easy part is done I just need to man up and make a move and let her know that she's the one I want.

I laughed to myself as I thought about what Mia said earlier about Moni being jealous of the girl Briana was saying I like even though that girl is Moni herself. I was lying down by myself and I couldn't help the feeling of something missing. Or should I say someone.

------A few hours later------

"We're here!!! Wake up Bro!!!!" I heard Chris yell

"What time is it?" I said tiredly

"9am now get up and take a shower we are leaving in 20 minutes"


"Disney world dude, now get up and get ready!!!" He said walking out of the room

Instead of getting up right away I continued to lay down and look up at the ceiling. I'm tired as hell but I'm excited for Disney so I got up and went to my bunk. It's funny actually I haven't slept in my bunk in weeks. Moni and I have been sleeping in the back room and to be honest I'm surprised that I actually went to sleep without her beside me. After collecting my clothes for the day I headed to the bathroom I was about to knock when the door swung open and out came Moni with steam coming out of the bathroom and radiating off of her body. My eyes widened when I realized that she was only wearing a towel that wrapped around her chest and extended down to her knees. So many thoughts ran through my head and my mouth went dry as I looked her up and down. I was drawn out of my hypnotized state when I noticed her shaking her head and moving past me harshly.

Hey guys I know I said there would be a new update a few days ago but a lot has been going on lately and I didn't have enough time so my apologies. I am also sorry for this short chapter. The next one will be longer I promise 👌🏽

I hope you wonderful people are having the best day ever!!!! ❤️

Thank you for reading 😘❤️

Treat You Better Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora