Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

-----Monique's POV

"I'm gonna miss you guys!" I said to the girls as we join into a group hug

"We are going to miss you too. But we'll see you again in 2 weeks then again 2 weeks after that and 2 weeks after that 2 weeks." Lexi said laughing as we all separated from the hug.

"I'm sorry ladies I don't mean to be rude but the bus leaves in 3 minutes." The driver said as he approached us.

"Okay I'll be there in a minute. Thank you. One last hug before i go?" I asked the girls

"But we-" Ciara began to speak

"Of course" Kayla said pulling me into her tightly as the rest girls crowded around and hugged me

"I love you guys and I'll see you soon" I said pulling away and walking backwards towards the bus.

"We love you too" they all said at the same time. Knowing I was getting closer to the bus I turned around and nearly ran up the steps.

"Hey Moni, have you heard anything from Aaron?" Travis asked walking up to me

"Uh no, Ill go to the back and call him again" I said walking to the back of the bus reaching the little room in the back. I pulled out my phone and was about to tap his name but before I could do so I felt someone put their arms around me and start kissing my neck. I was about to pull away until I heard his voice

"I missssssssed you babe" Aaron said closing he door behind him and walking so that he was now standing in front of me. The first thing I noticed was that he was wearing a sweater the was slightly too big for him and his hair was a little messed up

"Really?" I asked as the thoughts of him being mad at me after the concert came flooding back into my head

"Yessss really, and I'm ssssorry for the way I acted after the sssshow. I have no excuses I'm just ssssorry" he slurred. I tensed up when he but his hands on either side of my face but relaxed as he leaned down and captured my lips with his own. Breathing in through my nose I noticed that Aaron smelled a lot like women's perfume and alcohol. I tried pulling away but he only held my face tighter. So I stopped moving my lips against his

"Aaron" I said trying to pull away again. This time he let go but quickly attacked my lips again and pushed me back until I hit the door, he bit down really hard on my bottom lip making me wince softly in pain.

"Aaron..... please..... Stop" I said through kisses. I didn't think it was possible but he pulled my face closer to him and started kissing me rougher then before.

"A-Aaron s-ssstop.... Plea-" I began saying before he cut me off

"Why can't I kiss my girlfriend?" He said clearly pissed off

"You can its just that your drunk and your being aggressive"

"I'm not dru-nk" he said hiccuping

"Yes you are, you can sme-" I was cut off by him pushing me against the door again but this time with a lot more force. He pushed his knee in between my legs and kept trying to push it upwards

"Ow. Aaron please stop" I begged pushing him away. Luckily for me he was drunk so it was a lot easier than it would've been if he was sober.

"I c-could be with any girl I-I want too and yyyyet I chose the only one who won't have sex with me. This is f-fucking amazing. I should've  broke up with ya-you when I had the chance" he yelled as he got up and pushed me away from the door and storming out of the room. I heard arguing going on between Aaron and several other band members but I didn't bother to listen

Not moving from the little sofa I had landed on I sat in silence. I didn't even realize I was crying until a few minutes had passes and someone knocked on the door and I started to wipe them away

"Moniboo can I come in please" Briana said from the other side. "I have snacks, 4 blankets, and my Netflix account"

I quickly tried to wipe all of the tears away before saying she could come in.

"Come in" I said, my voice raspier than usual. She came in looked at me and immediately set everything down before sitting down next to me and wrapping her arms around me

"Aww Moni please don't cry. He didn't mean it he's just drunk" she said

"A drunken mind speaks sober thoughts" I said nuzzling my head into her neck

"He's just being dumb, he didn't mean it. I bet in the morning he will feel so bad that he'll treat you like a princess" she said chuckling

" or he won't remember anything" I said

"Hey, no more negative thoughts. How about we watch a movie, eat junk food and cuddle" she said


"Good, now what do you want to watch?" She asked

"Mmm..... White chicks" I said smiling. 'This movie always makes me laugh so why not watch it' I thought to myself

"Ooh... Good choice that movie always makes me laugh" Briana said, saying the same thing I was thinking

"Ha same!!!" I said laughing

"While you put on the movie I'm going to change into my pajamas and brush my teeth." I told her as I walked out of the room. Luckily for me my bed was close to the back of the bus so I didn't have to see anyone.

---Briana's POV----

"About time"I said as Monique came back into the room from changing. I was already prepared for bed when i over heard Aaron yelling at Moni. He's lucky my Chris was holding me back because if he wasn't I would've punched him right in the face. I may be a girl but that doesn't mean much to me.

"You ready to cuddle or what?" I asked her

"Yea, uh Chris asked if he could cuddle too and I told him yea so he's coming too." She said looking down and sniffling

"Yea of course" I said smiling as she came and cuddled up next to me. Shortly after my brother walked in and sat on the other end of the couch. I heard Moni laugh a couple of times in the beginning of the movie after after I didn't hear it on other funny parts I figured she was sleep so I looked down at her.  

"I don't know how Shawn plans on making her his but I hope he does it soon" I said talking to Chris.

Looking over at me he said "Yea me too, she deserves better then Aaron"

"Yea" I said agreeing as I moved my eyes from Moni back to the tv. It was in the middle of the movie when I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


Hey guys, how ya doin?

I hope you guys have a great day

Treat You Better Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora