Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:


Shawn's POV:

It didn't take much longer for Aaron to return from the bathroom but when he did he quickly dragged  Monique away with him.

It took me about 4 minutes before I made my way to the stage where I'll be preforming everyone with the exception of Aaron was there so we decided to warm up without him.

Monique's POV:

"Come on please Moni! I haven't seen you in what two almost three months. Can't we just try it out and see where it goes please??? Maybe you'll like it!" I chuckled at his statement. Aaron and I have been dating for the past 6 months but for the last two months he has been rehearsing with Shawn and the rest of the musicians for Shawn's big tour that's coming up. I was sad when Aaron told me he'd be moving closer to where rehearsals took place as well as him transferring to a different high school our last two months of our senior year. But what he didn't mention was that that meant he was moving three states away. It sucked at first, not being able to be with him at school but we worked through it and when he asked me if I would like to go on tour with them until i have to go back home to start my freshman year of college I couldn't help but to say yes.

Tired of hearing his rant I began to speak before he interrupted me "No!! I'm not rea-"

"Ready I know but I promise it would feel so good if you would just let me--" I was about to interrupt him like he has done to me twice and he knows how much I hate being interrupted. But before i could do so his phone rang.

Quickly grabbing his phone from his pocket he looked down and nearly sprinted towards the door

I sat there in the room thinking. I couldn't believe that just because I've missed Aaron he thought I was going to do 'it' with him and in a storage closet at that. You see I'm still a virgin and I'd rather not lose it to a guy I'm not in love with. It might sound harsh that we've dated for 6 months neither of us having said I love you to each other but I'm not complaining it makes it easier for me. I would feel bad if he told me he loved me and I didn't say it back, so in a sense I'm glad he hasn't told me he loved me.

I wasn't trying to listen but I could hear Aaron saying a lot oh harsh things but the main thing that caught my attention was when he said

"it was good, but it was a one time thing it's not going to happen again". Well what the heck does that mean I said to myself.

Another minute had passed before Aaron said that he had to go because he was late for rehearsals he seemed annoyed so I just told him to go and that I could find my way there.

I sat there for a few more minutes with my head leaning back against the wall. I closed my eyes and all I saw was Shawn's perfect face with his perfect smile and perfect eyes and perfect hair.

'Wait what'. I can't think about Shawn like that I have a boyfriend. But the Truth is he's been on my mind since our incident a little while ago. It's safe to say that I am a fan a really big fan actually, so I'll just call what I'm doing 'fan girling' yes that's it! I'm fan girling over Shawn that's why I keep thinking about him.

Pulling myself off the wall I decided to follow the amazing voice of Shawn Mendes echoing through the walls. As his voice got louder from me getting closer to the stage something caught me eye. There was an Iphone laying on the ground. Picking it up and taking it with me in case someone mentions a lost phone I continued on my way until I finally saw the stage but before I could go any further I was met by two men that appeared to be made of bricks

Shawn's POV:

I was singing the last song when I saw that Monique was having a bit of trouble with the security. I stopped singing the lyrics and and told the rest of the band to stop as well. When they did so I spoke into the microphone.

"Hey Dan and Don" both security guards turned their attention to the stage where I stood. " She's all good let her in". Watching as the two men made very little room for her to pass she struggled getting through and almost tripped.

"There she is" I heard Aaron yell into his mic.

As others whispering to each other "who is she" which much curiosity in their tones.

"Alright guys good job tonight you guys can pack up your stuff or leave It here and we'll be back same time tomorrow for or last rehearsal before the tour starts" I smiled as I heard many hollers of happiness going on around me.

But that sound all drained out as I focused my attention back on Monique who was now walking backwards looking around the theater with much amazement in her beautiful eyes. My smile grew wider when she turned around and waved at me.

I was soon brought out of my trance by two of my back up singers Chris and his twin sister Briana. one standing on my left side and the other on my right side.

"Who ya looking at hot shot?" Briana asked but instead of answering I just kept staring at Monique. Realizing that I probably wasn't going to answer both followed my gaze to the beautiful girl.

"Damn she's hot" they both say at the same time.

"She makes me wish that I wasn't gay" Chris said

"Hell, she makes me wish I was gay!!" Briana said

"I think the correct term is Lesbian Bri" Chris said chuckling

"Yea whatever" she said shrugging her shoulders

"Well you both are married and she is 'taken'" i said a little harsher then I intended to.

"Ha okay calm down a bit hot shot we didn't mean to offend you we'll back off of your girl" Chris said putting his hands up as if he were surrendering.

I Saw Aaron making his way off the stage most likely to go see Monique so I turned around and started walking towards a chair in the middle of the stage where most of the other crew members were. Chris and Briana following close behind. When i reached my destination I slumped in the chair as I tried not to think about Monique but she was honestly the only thing on my mind.

Noticing that I had slumped in my chair the twins stood in front of me arms crossed with serious written all over their face. While the others stayed quite but slowly moved in closer to me.

"Okay Mendes, what's up? Chris asked

"She's not my girl" I said with a hint of sadness and annoyance in my tone.

"Well then who's girl is she?" They both asked as the others look utterly confused as to what we were talking about

"His!" I saw looking directly in front of me where I knew Monique and Aaron would be standing. The twins along with everyone else turned their attention to a smiling Monique and Aaron.

"What" they all yelled making Monique and Aaron turn their attention towards us in which we all responded in pretending to be looking at something beyond them in a completely empty theater.

'Way to go guys' I whispered to myself

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