Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Monique's POV

"So are you excited?" Kayla asked drying her hands off

"Excited for what?" I asked

"Being able to travel with Shawn and everyone else" she said smiling

"Oh yea definitely. I'm really happy this gives me a good opportunity to hang out and get closer to Shawn" I said not realizing that I had said Shawn's name instead of Aaron's

"Shawn" they all said smiling

"Aaron, I meant to say Aaron." I said really fast as I nearly charged for the door to exit the restroom.

"Uhuh sure you did cupcake. We all know you and Shawn have a low key, unannounced, not really but sort of relationship that no one knows about. Not even you guys" Ciara said laughing as the others joined her

"Okay firstly that made no sense, secondly Shawn and I aren't in a relationship. I am in a relationship with Aaron remember" I said chuckling

"Who cares about Aaron when you can have Shawn" Kayla said

"I care about Aaron. And how could I have Shawn we've only known each other for like 2-3 weeks." I said looking down

"Do you really though?" Mia asked

"Do I really what"

"Do you really care about that douche bag of a boyfriend of yours. Moni he says some pretty messed up stuff to you and he's barely around. Why don't you just leave him?" Mia said

No all honesty im not sure if I care about Aaron the way I used to. Before it was easy to care for him but now I feel like I am pushing myself to like him. She was right about him saying rude things to me. And how he hasn't been around much since he came back to Cali but I mean we are going to be spending the next two months with each other and I'm hoping that in that time I can fix our relationship. I can't exactly leave him either though the last time I tried that he hit me and I'm afraid he might hit me again if I try to break things off with him. If they ever found out that he hit me they'd probably do much worse to him. The last time he hit me was just a few hours ago when we were backstage it wasn't as aggressive as other hit had been but it still hurt. Just the thought of him putting his hands on me again made me start to tear up

I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Taylor talking to me

"Hello" She said waving her hand in front of my face to get my attention

"Hi" I replied back feigning a smiling

"Are you okay?"

"Yea why wouldn't I be?"

"You uh kinda. You made a sad face" she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Seriously are you okay?" Lexi asked stepping closer to me.

"Yea I'm fine. I was just thinking about how I'm going to miss you guys while I'm gone" I said looking back down at the ground

"Your sure that's it?" Ciara asked

"Yea, I'm sure" I replied not looking up at them

"Then why are you avoiding eye contact with us?" Lexi said.

"Can we talk about this later, there is food out there waiting to be ordered and I'm hungry" I said smiling

"Of course you are. When aren't you hungry?" Taylor joked

Walking out we took our seats I sat in between Shawn and Taylor, Mia sat next to Taylor, Lexi, Kayla and Ciara across from them Briana in front of me and Chris in front of Shawn. I looked around and saw everyone laughing and smiling at who knows what. I continued to look around until I turned my head to the right and was met with Shawn laughing at something Briana had said. I love hearing him laugh and how happy he looks. He must have felt me staring at him because he turned his head towards me and gave me a smile that made my heart nearly bust out of my chest.

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