Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I didn't proof read so sorry in advanced for any mistakes!!!!😊

"I need to go to the gym, I haven't been working on my cardio and ball handling as much as I need to. But I'll catch up with you guys later" she said as she exited the van. I was so busy looking at all the videos that I hadn't realized we were at the hotel already

"Tell me you didn't kiss that girl" Chris said

"No she kissed me. I was walking with security and she pulled me and kissed me, I swear" I said as everyone's eyes were now on me

"Can we get out, I need to talk to Moni and tell her that" I said

"I wouldn't do that. At least not right now. She's not gonna want to listen to you so I think you should just let her go to the gym and workout. Trust us she knows your not the kind to just go around kissing people. She's probably upset that some other girls lips that weren't hers were on yours." Lexi said

"Yea, just let chill for a bit" Kayla said

"Alright. I'll talk to her when we get back. Will that be enough time?" I asked

"Yea" Ciara said smiling and patting my back "don't worry anything you guys got going on will not be ruined because of this. She knows you and she knows you wouldn't hurt her so try and relax alright"



"Hey Baby Skyler Diggins you down for another game" One of the guys asked me as the others stared at me waiting for me to answer

"I wish but I gotta get back to my hotel" I said

"Oh come on, I know you have time for one more game" another guy said

"Baby Skylar said she had to go so let her go" another guys argued

"Man shut up. The only reason why you want her to go is because you're afraid of getting crossed up again" a guy who looked to be around my age said

"I wouldn't be talking you got crossed up too"

"Everyone here has gotten crossed up by Baby Skylar and you don't see us telling her to go"

I watched as they went back and forth with each other over whether or not I should play another game. There was a lot of other guys there so I don't think it'd really make a difference if I stayed or not.

"Their like a bunch of animals" I voice said from beside me startling me

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said

"It's all good, I get scared from my own reflection" I said causing him to laugh

"My names Jordan by the way" he said extending his hand out to me

"Monique" I said shaking his hand

"So are you staying" he asked "ya know so I can tell the guys so they can stop acting like animals" he said chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck

"I think so but, just for one more game. Then I really have to head out" I said walking back to the group of guys

"Alright y'all I got time for one more game then I have to go" I said once we reached the guys

"Yes! Baby Skylar's staying y'all" someone yelled

"Let's get this game going then. First to 15, everything outside the arc counts as two and everything inside the arch is one. Skylar you can pick first"

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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