17 | Note

33 4 1

After we kissed, Jimin pulled me and we cuddled on the bed throughout the night. His breathe tickling my neck. I felt save and happy being wrapped around his tight grip. My eyes slowly closes as I let myself sink into sleep.


I woke up the next morning, expecting to see Jimin, but to my dismay, he wasn't there. The event of last night came into my mind and I blushed. It felt so right kissing him, the way we moved in sync. But it also felt so wrong. I couldn't shake off the feeling of regret and satisfaction off of me. I groan loudly and covered my already blushing face with my hands. I honestly have no mood to go outside and face him.

I wanted to continue laying on my bed, sleeping or just wasting away my time on my phone but my stomach started to grumble loudly. I forced myself up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After taking the quick shower, I put on a simple white tee and a light blue jeans. I opened the door slowly, poking my head to see if any of the boys were there, but they weren't.

"The coast is clear, thank god." I silently murmured to myself.

I walked to the dining room only to see a cheese burger and a can of Diet Coke. I frowned at the food as I don't really eat burgers. But nonetheless, I had no choice so I ate it slowly, trying to get use to the taste and texture. I placed the plate in the sink and threw the can in the garbage before walking back to my room.

The event of last night was still on my mind, and the feeling of regret came back to me. Slumped on my chair, opening my laptop. The only thing to cure this feeling is by watching some comedy tv series! At least it'll help me take my mind off it.

I was laughing frantically, my stomach was hurting and face was starting to feel sore from it. Happy tears were forming in my eyes. I swiped them away using the back of my hand.


I immediately stopped laughing. I closed my laptop and slowly walked outside. My heart was thumping fast, my palms were sweating and my breathe was getting shorter and shorter. I walked inside the living room, ready to face the intruder. But the only think I could see was the window being smashed by a huge rock.

I crouched down, picking up the rock and examining it. I turn it the other side, seeing a sticky note and my eyes widened. The hairs on my body started to rise and I was shaking uncontrollably as I read the note.

My heart was thumping rapidly fast again and slowly tears were cascading from my eyes. The room felt hot, my eye sight was blurring. I could feel the room started spinning vigorously. Before I knew it, I passed out on the floor, the note still in my hand.

"I'm coming to get you baby doll"


Author's note : such an anti-climax smh

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