When hell broke loose,AGAIN... (the struggle of Trost)

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YEAR 850

"I don't want to see your face again. I hate you!!"

"Ahhh..." sara woke up, gasping for air, with yet another nightmare. Her long raven black hair were braided but were all loose and messy. It was around four o'clock in the morning and was still dark outside.

"Hey you alright?" Mikasa who was on the lower bunk asked getting up.

"Yeah I am alright. Don't worry." Sara said rubbing her eyes."we still have an hour left...go back to sleep."

"You too." Mikasa drifted off to sleep but Sara wasn't able to sleep after that nightmare.

"Its all my fault." Tears formed in her blue eyes but she held her emotions inside. She got down slowly from the top bunk without making any noise. She took the green cloak with cadet corps emblem on it and went outside the dorm.

She strolled around the premises for a while then went to a nearby hill. Reddish orange hue covered the sky announcing the arrival of Sun. She slowly went up the hill and sat near the edge of the cliff. Right in front of her was a lake with crystal clear water. And beyond the lake was green mountains. She trailed her hand over the grass which was wet from the dew drops,sending chills up on her spine. She clutched her cloak tightly as It was slightly cold at that hour in the morning.

Soon the majestic sun rose up behind the mountains. She closed her eyes as sun rays touched her pale skin.

"One more day to go....tomorrow we all will chose our regiments." She thought getting up and dusting her clothes.

In the year 845 when wall Maria was breached she was among the many refugees who took shelter behind wall Rose. She was also from Shinganshina district but she didn't know Mikasa,Eren and Armin closely. She used to avoid starting any conversation about their hometown or relatives. She didn't want anyone to know about her because all that would bring a lot of painful memories. Memories she was trying to fight off real hard but wasn't able to.

Though she found solace when Armin was around. The way he used to talk felt comforting to her. She was older to everyone in the 104th training corps. She was twenty-six years old so most of the trainees used to respect her. Her 3DMG skills were exceptionally good,one could say she was a pro and was academically brilliant. Mikasa was her rival cum friend,though both of them knew a little about each other. Mikasa and others respected her privacy and nobody ever tried to start any conversation about her past life. Except for Armin. He knew a little about her but he never told anyone about her to anyone as it would really hurt Sara.

Sara wasn't that tall,only 5'4",but she did stand out because of her skills and looks. She kept her long black hairs tied in a messy side bun. She was gentle and kind to others,always ready to help anyone who was in need but she never once mentioned her problems in front of anyone.

Her mother died giving birth to her. Her dad,Mr Marshall Gibbs,not only gave the love and care of a father but also of a mother. Her dad loved her more than anything and because of him Sara never felt sad and alone. He used to work as a carpenter. They had less but they were happy. Sara was a cheerful girl back then. At the age of eighteen she met a guy named Chris and fell in love with him. Chris too loved her deeply and after three years of dating they got engaged. He was an orphan. His parents died in an accident when he was just eight years old. His maternal uncle and aunt took him to a village within wall rose. He learned pottery there and in search of work he came back to Shinganshina. He was three years older to Sara and was very mature and calm. He handled all of Sara's tantrums and fits with ease.

They were all set to marry soon but that's when something terrible happened that shook Sara to the core of her being. She didn't know what to do and that's when another tragedy occurred. Wall Maria was breached and the people she cared deeply and loved immensely were eaten by Titans. But before the day of fall of wall Maria she did something wrong and utterly selfish which changed Chris and Sara's relation forever. And when she came to her senses it was already too late.Her personality changed drastically from that moment. The cheerful Sara that everyone adored was gone. The Sara who never shut up about her dream to become a singer in the interiors of wall Sina had become gravely silent.
She would smile but anyone could tell she was faking it.

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