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(A/N- I am keeping the events from the series short. I don't want to write what you all already know.)

Outside the forest all the cadets were perched on the high tree branches. As they were gathered at one place, many titans swarmed the area but they were unable to do anything. Sara was with Jean and Armin. Everyone was questioning Erwin's orders mentally but nobody was saying anything.

"It doesn't even make any sense. Why the commander ordered us to stay put here??" Jean was rather displeased with their current situation. He cursed the superior for not explaining anything to the people who were risking their lives.

"So my guess was right. The commander knew someone will pursue Eren....I hope everything went as planned..." Sara thought.

Armin too was thinking the same thing.

"Hey Armin!!! I think you know something that I don't." Jean said looking back at Armin.

"I think the commander wants to capture the female titan. He was expecting this from the very beginning. He is using Eren to lure her inside the forest."

"So why is he keeping us in dark?? We are putting our life on stake. Say,If the female titan wasn't pursuing Eren then what?? We all came on an expedition, putting our life on risk just on a hunch that the commander had!!!" Jean snapped.

"It's a gamble Jean." Sara said trying to calm Jean.

"That's ridiculous!!! If you think he is right then why he didn't tell us anything about his plan? Do you know how many soldiers died??"

"Because he can't trust everyone on this matter Jean. Enemy is among us. He did what he had to. He had to choose...a handful of us...or all of us. Its for a better good." Armin replied his query.

"We have to trust commander Erwin.....we have to. That's the way it all works." Sara said looking down at the titans crawling down below.

Moments passed by without any commotion. Titans were trying hard to get their hands on the cadets standing on the high trees but their efforts were useless. Sara then remembered what she said while fighting the female titan.

"Now what!!! It's not like he feels the same way for me....and how could I love someone after what I did to Chris....." Sara took out that old worn out paper out of her pocket and read the content with tears in her beautiful blue eyes.

"I can't live like long as live I can't get over this feeling of regret and guilt. I fell in love again.... I can't be around Levi anymore but I can't live without seeing him either. I can't take this....I just can't. I feel like I am cheating on Chris. " Sara sat down crying.

"Sara you ok??" Armin asked in a worried tone.

"Armin......I.." Sara couldn't speak any further. "I had enough....I am gonna end this today." Sara didn't utter another word no matter how many times Armin and Jean asked.

"Now I fell in love with someone who not only hates me but is disgusted by me. I won't be able to take any more of his harsh words. I joined the scouts thinking it would change my life but I am still fighting my past.....I can't get over it."

Inside the forest the female titan was captured. Levi lured the female titan directly into Erwin's trap. Many hooks were then shot at the female titan and she was immobilized within few minutes. Eren was surprised by the Erwin's plan.

"Everyone pitch your horses a bit further. I have to break from you for a while. Eld is in charge till I come back. Keep Eren far away from the female titan and see to my horse." Levi said before switching to his 3DMG and going to Erwin.

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