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Sara woke up with a god-awful taste and the worst hangover ever. She had fallen from her bed and that's what woke her up from her deep slumber.

" much did I drink last night??" She remembered how last night she became all nonchalant and chugged down too much alcohol. She couldn't remember what happen after that. She got up and went to take a shower. Cadets were given half day off and it was around 10 am when Sara woke up.

"Arghhh...this headache is killing me. I really need some tea."

After getting dressed she went out to the mess. It was a quiet morning as most of the cadets were still in their rooms.

"Good morning Sara." Sasha who was sitting with Krista and Ymir greeted her.

"Morning." She sat down with a cup of tea.

"It's all your fault you damn horse face." Eren entered the mess screaming at Jean who also looked pissed.

"Don't give me that shit Yeager. Quit nagging me all the time."

"It's because of your half assed cleaning that we have to redo everything."

"What's going on with them?" Sara asked.

"Oh that!! Well last night they both got a little out of control after few drinks and started fighting. In the process they made a complete mess around here and when today captain Levi found out about this,he ordered them to clean this whole place." Sasha explained.

"I see." Sara said pressing the area between her brows with her fingers.

"You feeling ok?" Krista asked.

"Yeah...just a little headache." Sara replied smiling weakly.

"Well that was some show you put up last night!" This time Ymir spoke in a teasing tone.

"Excuse me!!' Sara stared back at her.

"Oh so you don't remember!!"

"Krista what is she saying??"

"You got so high that you started singing and then you asked the captain to take you to your room." Before Krista could reply,Ymir blurted out everything.

"Did you give some love to the captain....if you know what I mean?" Ymir snickered.

"Ymir!!! Cut it out." Seeing Sara's  revolting expression Krista tried to shut her up.

"Don't mind her Sara. By the way your voice so amazing. Why you never told us about it before??" Sasha jumped in before Sara could lash out on Ymir.

"Excuse me guys. I have to go." Before anyone could ask her anything,Sara quickly left the mess. She didn't want anyone to discuss or even talk about her singing as it would eventually  lead to her bitter past.

She was walking down the corridor thinking about last night but remembered nothing. But the thought of Levi taking her to her room made her blush.

"At least I should thank him for that." Sara thought as she made her way to Levi's office.

Sara inhaled deeply before knocking the door. The more she realised her feelings for Levi the more it was getting hard for Sara to remain cool around Levi.

"Come in."

"Good morning sir." She said with a smile. Levi's eyes remained fixated on  the paperwork he was doing. He said nothing and didn't even bother to look at her. His head was resting on his right hand,with his palm covering his lips.

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