Joining the Scout Regiment

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After Eren successfully sealed the hole in the wall Rose,he was put in the custody of military police. His powers were still unknown and humans have this tendency to fear what they don't fully understand. Military police and some other higher ups wanted him dead. For them Eren was a threat but after a court trial and because of commander Erwin and captain Levi's strategy,Eren's life was spared. He then officially became a member of the Scout regiment. But only on one condition...Captain Levi had to watch over him all the time.

Sealing the hole might be the first victory of humanity over the titans but many soldiers perished while achieving victory. Marco Bodt,member of the 104th cadet corp was found dead by Jean,his best friend. Jean,who always wanted to join the military police and live a peaceful life far away from the titans,was completely shaken by Marco's death. At the funeral of the deceased soldiers he announced something that shocked everyone.

"I am gonna join the scouts regiment." Jean said clutching his fist. Other members of the cadet corps looked at him in disbelief.

"Jean...are you serious?? Joining the scouts means writing your own death wish." Connie said with tears in his eyes.

"I am serious.....dead serious."


Next day in the evening all the cadets were called near a large platform to choose their regiments. Commander of the scout regiment,Erwin Smith was there to encourage cadets to join scout regiment. Survey corps aka scout regiment had the highest death toll because of their expedition in titans territory. Although they were fighting for humanity's freedom,no body actually cared about them much. For others it was completely foolish and useless to venture in titans territory.

"Jean.." Sara who was standing right beside him started a conversation. Armin and Mikasa were standing in the first row,Connie and Sasha were in second one and sara and Jean were in fifth row. commander Erwin was yet to arrive at the platform so everyone was discussing about which regiment to join. Most of them wanted to join the military police or the Garrison regiment.

"yes Sara." Jean replied softly.

"you are really doing it..hah??"


"You know what Jean...I am really proud of you."

"Hah??" Jean looked at her in surprise. She smiled slightly and started speaking.

"You have grown so much. You are not that hot headed impulsive guy anymore. First you were only thinking about yourself....I am not saying that it's bad to think about yourself. Everyone thinks that way.....but you have changed. Now you want to do something for others."

Jean was happy to hear all that. After Marco,Sara was the one who understood him well.

"Thanks Sara."

Soon commander Erwin Smith came on the platform.

"Good evening. I am Erwin Smith,the commander of the Survey corps also know as Scout regiment. Today you will choose your regiment. Let's cut to the chase here. The scout needs you...we need all the warm bodies we can get. After the recent titan attack,you now know first hand the horrors of which they are capable of and also the limit of your own skills. Humanity has a new chance of victory....I refer to Eren Yeager. Hope lives in him. He not only helped us in our recent victory over titans but also revealed a vital information about titans."

Cadets started to whisper. Even after hundred years nobody was able to know a single thing about the titans so it was a huge leap forward.

"Intel suggest that the cellar of Yeager's home back in Shinganshina holds a vital secret regarding our enemy. We will go on an expedition to find this secret." Erwin Smith continued his speech.

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