A choice with no regrets

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Two weeks passed by since Sara and others had joined the scouts. Everyday they had to go through some bone cracking training to maintain their stamina. Levi was keeping a keen eye on Sara. After the usual scout training,Levi would train Sara himself. He was too curious about her.....may be too curious. Whenever she was around,he felt a sense of familiarity and Sara felt secure whenever she was with Levi.

It was an usual day at the scout regiment's base. After a tiring day all the cadets assembled at the mess for dinner. Air in the mess was filled with chatter and laughter. Armin,Eren and Armin were yet to come so Sara was sitting alone on a table. She was eating her dinner quietly when someone took a seat in front of her. She looked up to see Levi sitting there with a cup of tea.

"Good evening sir." She said softly.

"There's no need for formalities at the dinner table."

"Ohkkk." She looked down and started to eat her dinner slowly.

"Tomorrow we are going for practise in the forest. I have set up a training regime for you."

"But Sir, tomorrow its a free day." She whined.

"You want to live upto my expectations...don't you??" He asked raising a brow.

"Yes sir."

"So you will do what I ask you do." He placed the empty cup on the table and left the mess.

"Captain is taking a liking to you!!" Jean who was sitting on the adjacent table said winking at Sara.

"Oh please. Its not like that. He wants me to be strong so that I can join his squad." Sara said blushing.

"The way you both look at each other is a sure giveaway." He added making her blush even harder.

"And captain has never trained anyone personally. He has always been a lone wolf. He values his comrades though." Eld who was sitting there with his fellow squad members spoke.

This became the topic of discussion for everyone. Some teased Sara and some called this all complete non sense.

"Do you like him sara?" Armin who came there a while ago asked her.

"No it's like that. Why everyone just keep bringing it up." She left the mess hall angrily. There was a pin drop silence in the mess after she left. Everyone ate their dinner quietly and went to their respective rooms.

Sara went to her room and went straight to her study table. Cadet's rooms were small,consisting of a single bed,a cupboard and a chair and study table and had attached washroom. She unlocked the drawer of the table and took out a old and worn out paper.

"I won't love anyone....never...ever. I promise you Chris."

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door.

"Sara you in there??" It was Armin.

"Wait." She immediately put the paper back in her drawer and locked it. She exhaled to give her unsettling feelings a rest.

"Hi.." She opened the door with a fake smile.

"Umm...Sara...look I am sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you. I know you don't like people interfering in your personal life...and I.." Armin couldn't finish what he was saying when all of a sudden Sara hugged him.

"You ok Sara?"

"I am so confused Armin. I wish I could tell you....but I am afraid...."

"Yeah I am fine Armin. Thanks for being here." She lied.

"I am always there for you. You can share anything if you want to."

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