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(A/N- Mature and graphic content. There's also a little spoiler from the manga.)

It was dinner time and hardly half of the scouts were present in the mess hall. Some were injured and some didn't want to eat. Jean, Sasha, Reiner, Berthold, Armin and Sara were present at the mess but were hardly eating. Mikasa was with Eren, who was still recuperating from his last Transformation.

Some seniors were also present there including Hanji and Levi. Empty chairs filled soldiers' heart with pain and grief of losing their comrades.

"It's like this every time we come back from an expedition." Hanji uttered some words in a low voice. Levi who was sitting with her stared at the empty chairs, where once his squad members used to sit. His face was passive but only God knows how many emotions stirred inside his aching heart.

"I can't say for sure if next time we all be sitting together like this." Jean said. Pain was evident in his voice. Everyone looked down. Sara sighed and looked at Levi. Suddenly a painful thought struck her like a rock.

"What if someday Levi didn't make it back....then??"

"Armin I need to talk to you about something. Do you have a moment?" Sara asked Armin who just started eating his food.

"Yeah sure. What is it??" Armin said putting down the bread that he was eating.

"Not here. I need to talk to you in private." Sara said in a low pitch.


"Great!! I will wait for you outside near the stables."

"Aren't you gonna eat??"

"I am not hungry." Sara stood up and left the mess. Armin finished his meal and came outside as asked by Sara.

(Spoiler start)

"So what was it??" Armin asked as he met Sara outside.

"Armin who do you think is the female titan??"

"Why all of a sudden you are asking this??" Female titan was a big issue but still Sara's impatience felt a little odd to Armin.

"I know you know something but you are hiding it from everyone."

"It's not like that Sara. I am just not sure."

"Just tell me Armin." Sara said getting more impatient.

"I think it's.....Annie." Armin paused before saying Annie's name.

"Can you prove this??"

"Seriously I don't want this to be true. I have waited a month to prove myself wrong."

"That all makes sense now."


"I need to talk to the commander."

"What are you thinking Sara??" Armin said taking a step close to Sara.

"I think the person who gave Annie the information about Eren's position in the formation is Reiner."

"WHAT?? You crazy Sara??"

"Listen...even I am not sure but still...."

"You are going to tell the commander about this without any proof??"

"Yes. Thanks for your help Armin. Good night." Sara began to walk away when Armin grabbed her arm.

"NO sara. You can't blame Reiner like this. You don't have any proof that proves your conviction."

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