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I placed Sara's favourite flowers by her side as I wished her happy birthday. It was a peaceful morning. Finally peace was achieved ten years ago. Titans were eradicated from the face of earth. After serving the military for thirty years I retired along with Sara. We never got married as we never believed in the institution. A single piece of paper wasn't going to define my relationship with Sara. I love her and that's all I cared about. Time flies so quickly. It feels like yesterday when I saw Sara for the first time. Every single memory from those days is still so fresh in my heart. She started to smile when we finally got together. Slowly but surely her broken soul mended itself.


"Happy birthday mom." Levi's train of thoughts came to a halt when he heard his son's voice. He looked back at his son, a fine man with black hairs and black eyes. He looked a lot like his father but was a little bit taller than him.

"Adneil !!! What are you doing here?? I thought you were working with the expansion mission further east." Levi asked his son.

After humanity's victory over the titans, the next big task was to establish humanity again all over the earth. Scout regiment was given this task. Adneil was not only the head of the scientific research but also was the section commander of the scout regiment. He learned a lot under the guidance of Hanji. He was thirty years old and was a serious guy with high principles. Many people quoted he was just like his dad but it bothered him a lot. Adneil's relation with his father was a bit estranged. Being the son of humanity's strongest soldier brought a lot of pressure on his shoulders. Throughout his life he was known for being the son of Levi. He felt like he had no identity of his own. At first it didn't matter to him but gradually it started to get on his nerves. All he wanted was to surpass his father. Levi's carelessness played a nasty part in his life. Sara tried her best to build their relationship but it never worked out. Adneil joined the scouts, worked under his father for some years too. But their relation deteriorated as time progressed.

"Its mom's birthday!! How could I not be here??!" He said without looking at Levi. He was more close to Sara than to Levi.

Levi and Sara never married. That surely speculated some gossips when Sara gave birth to Adneil. Sara took maternity leave for few months. She stopped going out for the expeditions for an year but she did help Hanji out in her titan research. She became a fine soldier as she promised, she even became captain of her own squad three years Before Adneil's birth. She loved Adneil more than anything and he too loved and respected her a lot. Adneil spent most of his time with his mother.

Levi looked away and drifted back to some old memories as Adneil gave his mother a beautiful flower bouquet.

"I still remember the first time you told me that you were pregnant. You were so scared to tell me about it. You were scared for my reaction. You tried to hide it but it wasn't something that could be hidden. We were in relationship for five years but still you felt uneasy about telling me that. When you finally told me about the baby, I was really shocked. To be honest, I don't think I even wanted a baby back then. How were we supposed to raise a baby when one of us could die at any moment?? But the sadness that I saw in your eyes when you realised I didn't want a baby pierced through my heart. But now I am happy you gave birth to our son. In this cruel world you gave me 'my little world' to hold onto. I can never thank you enough but I think I never gave him the love and care that he deserved."

Levi never imposed his views on his son and never did he showed any sign of happiness when Adneil achieved anything good in his life. He always said to him that he could do much better than that. After some time Adneil stopped expecting anything from his dad.


"At least ask him about his job sometimes Levi. You are his father.... .you better start acting like a father too." Sara yelled at his partner. Adneil was chosen to become the section commander of the scout regiment but Levi didn't say a word to his son. As time passed by he too drifted apart from his son.

"He has done a great job. Now happy?"

"I don't need these words Levi.....Adneil does."

"Please Sara. He is a grown up now. I do care for him, isn't that what you want?"

"Care...hah?? Have you ever hugged him and told him you are proud of him?? Have you ever talked to him about his problems....about your problems??"

"Ridiculous!!" Levi stormed out, leaving Sara all detested.

Now Levi really wanted to talk to his son. Wanted to know him, wanted to be really a part of his life, he wanted to apologize for every single time he wasn't around.

"So how is the expansion mission going on?" Levi asked trying to get his son's attention.

"It's going on good."

"And how are your researches going on?"

"I have to leave my post as the head of the scientific research although I will keep an eye on everything."

"Why??" Levi asked, genuinely feeling concerned for his son.

"I am promoted. I will be the next commander." He said without any hint of happiness in his voice. He knew his father wouldn't be impressed anyway.

Levi lips parted with surprise and happiness. His hands moved involuntarily as he pulled his son in a warm hug.

"I am so proud of you my son."

Adneil was shocked beyond comprehension. This was the first time Levi had ever said those words. His ego, his anger and all his sadness melted away in that moment. He tried his best but tears forced their way out of his eyes.

"I love you Adneil." Levi said as he patted his son's back.

"I love you too dad. Thank you....th....." Adneil's couldn't say anything else as all his emotions stirred inside his heart.

They parted and stood there in silence for few minutes.

"Next week I will be appointed as the new commander. Will you....I mean I would love to see you at the base that day....If you want to, that is." Adneil said hesitantly.

"I would love to come." Levi said with a genuine smile. They talked about few more things for a while.

"I wish your mom could see all this. She would have been so happy." Levi said in a sad voice.

"Can't believe its been three years." Adneil replied looking down.

Sara had died three years ago because of some unknown disease. She was sick but she kept her beautiful smile on. She died peacefully one night while sleeping next to the person she loved the most. But there was only one wish in her dying heart. She wanted to see Levi and Adneil happy together but as fate had it, she didn't live long enough to see that day.

"Let's go dad." Adneil said as the sadness in that moment was crushing his heart.

"Just give me a moment. I want to be with her for a while."

"Ok dad. I will wait for you at home" Adneil left after saying that.

"I wish you were here Sara. I miss you so much." Levi said as he placed his wrinkled hand on the tomb stone that had Sara's name on it. He sat next to her grave for a while and closed his eyes. A smile erupted on his face as all their memories, bitter and sweet, flashed before his eyes. He got up and dusted himself up. He kissed the tombstone and walked away thinking...

"I will wait till the day I see you again....."

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