Making choices

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"Sing for us....sing Sara dear.." Sara found herself tied up in dark room. Some voices echoed in the room but no one was to be seen.

"Please let me go...please..." Sara was getting suffocated in that cramp dark room.

"But you said you wanted to sing...don't you??"

"Chris....please take me away from here....please..."

"You don't want to see my face again...remember??" Chris appeared under a dim light.

"Please I am begging you..."

"You choose wanted to chase your you have all you want. Now sing...." He disappeared leaving Sara screaming in darkness.

" are you??"

"You said I bug you a lot. You hurt me Sara.....You treated me like I have no value in your life. I was like a hindrance for you....nothing disappoint me Sara."

"I will change...I promise dad....Please help me."

No matter how much she screamed no one came to her.

"You disgust me!!" Sara looked behind and saw Levi sitting on a chair silently watching her suffer.

"Levi....its not what its looks like...I can explain..."

"You disappoint me Sara...." Levi too disappeared leaving Sara all alone in the god forsaken room.

"Do you want to scream some more?? Call out for someone else...may be someone will come for you...." An unknown voice resonated in her ears.

"I have no one else..."

"NOW SING YOU FILTHY BITCH!!!" A pair of hands strangled Sara making her gasp for air.

" me.."

"Aaahhhh...." Sara woke up soaked in sweat.

"It was just a dream..." She said placing her hand on her neck.

"So much for a new start.....huh...I am still in that dark 1- Sara 0....but I won't let it bother me anymore...."

Though it was hard to sleep after such nightmare but Sara did. She made up her mind not to wither in her past memories again. Four days had passed since Sara confronted Levi and got shot down and since then Levi stopped training her. She decided not to show any signs of weakness. She tried her best to control herself whenever Levi was around.

Next morning officer Ness called up all the rookies except for Eren for a strategy meet. Everyone sat down on their seats. Sara was sitting with Jean on the second row.

"Good morning cadets. Roughly a week is left for our next expedition. So today we will discuss our long range scouting formation and you all will be given your positions." Everyone listened to every single detail intently.

"You cadets will be here between the wagon defence squad and the scout support squad. You will rely on signals and run spare horses." Ness explained the plan on a map. Even though the formation was precisely calculated but Eren's position was somewhat unknown.

After the meet was over cadets were given half hour break. Sara joined Armin and Mikasa, who were sitting on the stairs near the end of the corridor.

"Hi guys.." Sara came and sat with them.

"Hi.." Armin replied and Mikasa just nodded with a little smile.

"What happen??" Judging by their serious looks Sara asked.

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