With you...

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"Levi....Levi...where were you?? And how did you get those stains on your clothes?? What happened to your hands?? Answer me...please..." Sara bombarded Levi with a ton of questions but got no response. Levi was holding her tightly but there was a warm feeling attached to that hold.

"Levi....I am asking you something..."

"You will know shortly." Levi simply said that.

They walked through the empty corridors. Soldiers were in their rooms,sleeping soundly. Sara looked all around and then back at a stoic Levi. After walking for what seemed like eternity to Sara,they reached a large wooden door. Levi pushed the door open. It opened with a loud squeak and then came a large thud when the door collided with the wall to its side. There was a stairway leading down to a partially lit dungeon.

"Where are we??" Sara asked as they both climbed down the stairs.

"We are in the dungeon. Come." Levi walked towards a hallway and asked Sara to follow.

After taking a turn Sara saw Hanji standing outside a cell. Sara was surprised to see her but said nothing. What Sara saw next,made the ground below her slip away. Inside the cell Antonio,Gilbert and Dan were tied to chairs. Bloodied medical tools were laying messily on a table near them.

All of them were bleeding profusely and Antonio was unconscious. All of their fingers were twisted and broken,they nails were pulled out and  they had many cuts on their body and they were beaten up very badly.

Sara was still shaking.  Even though all of them were tied up and were in a pathetic condition but the torture that Sara had endured made her tremble in fear just by looking at those monsters.

Levi had contacted Dimo Revees,the famous merchant from the Trost district. He said he knew those merchants but only because of the business. He also told Levi that those merchants used to stay in a building sometimes that he owned in shiganshina district,mostly when they had to have some 'fun' with prostitutes. He gave Levi the current address of Antonio as he had not been in contact with the other two.

Levi caught Antonio easily and then those two other scums. He brought them to the scout regiment base Without giving them any hint about anything. He interrogated them but they refused to confess. They said they didn't even know any girl named Sara. But after getting the 'special treatment' they confessed every single crime they had committed. They had raped many other girls too but never got caught because they had links with higher ups. Thus began a painful torture. Levi first broke their fingers one by one,pulled out their nails and teeth. He even made several cuts down their bodies just like they did with Sara.

"They confessed everything but they said they don't know any girl named Sara." Levi said coldly.

Sara's anger erupted like a volcano. She went inside the cell and grabbed Antonio from his collars. He was unconscious but Sara slapped him so hard that he regained a little sense.

"You don't know my name!!! Hah??? You scarred me for life but you don't know my name!!!" Sara slapped and punched him over and over again till he fell unconscious again. She did the same with Dan and Gilbert. She screamed...she cried. She just wanted to take out all her sorrow and anger that she been feeling over the period of five years.

"For...give..forgive...us" Dan spoke up weakly.

"Forgive you!!!! How could you ask for forgiveness after doing that to me??!!" Blood came out Dan's mouth as Sara punched him again.

"That's enough Sara." Hanji came inside and pulled her out. "They will rot in the prison cell till the end."

Sara glared back at those three in pure disgust and left with Levi and Hanji. When they reached outside Sara thanked Levi for everything. He remained silent for a while then he spoke.

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