The Expedition

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Gate closed as soon as Scout regiment stepped out of the wall. And soon enough the whole regiment made the long range scouting formation on commander's order. Sara was with right wing spotting out liners. Other rookies were placed more towards the centre of the formation. It wasn't the safest position for the rookies but was considerably safe than Sara's position.

Sara was asked to take position a little closer to the centre. Her seniors were on the outer most ring of the formation. They thought this was at least they could do to keep a rookie safe in their watch.

It was quiet. Only sound that could be heard was the sound of horses hoofs pounding against the hard earth. Everyone was silent but was keeping a keen eye on their surroundings. No one could tell when they would run into a titan. Thirty minutes passed by and not a single titan was seen. Sara's mind drifted to a much recent memory.

"You wanted to see me sir??" Sara was called by Erwin to his office. She asked as she got inside.

"Yes cadet. Please have a seat." Erwin had his formation map spread out on the table. Sara sat down quietly.

"What is it sir?"

"What can you do for your regiment?" Erwin's question was simple yet twisted.

"I...I can do anything Sir." After pausing for a moment she replied.

"As you know we are going on an expedition very soon. I was just making sure you are okay." Whatever Erwin was saying made no sense to Sara.

"I don't understand sir." Sara was confused.

"I am going to place you with the right wing spotting out liners. Cadets of your rank aren't supposed to be in that position so I just wanted to ask if you are up to this challenge." Erwin's question made Sara's body twitch a little.

"At least it would distract me from my awful thoughts for a while." Sara thought. "I have no objection sir." She spoke after thinking for a while. Erwin smiled 'mysteriously' and dismissed her. After seeing Sara so under the weather lately, Erwin had thought of something that would either destroy her completely or evolve her into a better soldier.

"You are a great soldier...always remember that." Erwin said as Sara opened the door.

"Thank you Sir. And yeah I will definitely remember that someone thinks so high of me." Sara smiled and left.

"10 METER TITAN APPROACHING FROM THE LEFT." One senior Officer fired the black signal flare. Sara sprang into action as soon as she heard her comrade's words. Since it was an abnormal they had no choice but to engage in a battle. Sara and the soldier positioned near her broke out of the formation to tackle the titan. Sara shot the hook in its right ankle and pulled herself towards it and on her way she sliced its left ankle. The titan lost balance and fell face first giving the other soldier the perfect opportunity to slice its nape.

"Good job cadet. Let's regroup." They both again joined their fellow comrades. Not so long after they ran into a normal titan. One of the soldiers shot the red flare signal to warn others about the titan. Many red signals were then fired within the formation by the cadets relaying the message. They avoided the titan and carried on.

An hour passed by but no titan was spotted. It was strange. They were in a full blown titan territory and it was quite weird not to see a single titan within one hour. Soon the group reached a place with few trees surrounding them. Silence was too creepy but all of a sudden a flock of birds flew away as if they were afraid of something.

Before anyone could understand anything a large group of titans attacked the right wing. Most of the soldiers were devoured by the titans within few minutes of their attack. Sara who's position was more towards the centre, came to rescue her remaining fellow comrades. She killed two titans but there were too many of them.

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