Mixed emotions

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"Well that was interesting..don't you think??" Armin asked Sara after Hanji's lecture on titans was over.

"Yeah. It was. But still we don't know much about them. I mean before Eren's Transformation who knew humans can transform into a titan."

"Hope one day we will know." Armin said sweetly.

"Before they eat us all up." Sara made a silly joke making Armin look at her in confusion. "Sorry..my bad. I am not good at making jokes I guess." She looked down in embarrassment. Armin laughed a little.

"You seem different today. I mean you are....genuinely happy." Sara blushed at his statement. She was happy and the reason behind her happiness was the captain.

"May be I am." She said brushing her hand over the bandage that Levi wrapped around her wound the other night.

"Call me Levi." Sara's lips curled up into a soft smile when she recalled Levi's words. Armin looked even more confused.

"Hey Sara can I ask a favour of you??" Their conversation was soon interrupted by Hanji.

"Yeah..what it is??"

"You are going for your training with Levi right??"


"Great!! Take these papers with you. And do say sorry from my side. I had to finish the paperwork day before yesterday but I totally forgot." She said smiling sheepishly.

"Ohkkk.." Sara replied slowly and took the papers from Hanji.

"He will yell at you for slacking off this much....you know that right??" Armin's question made Hanji's smile vanish in a second.

"I am his superior...don't worry about me." Hanji's voice was shaky even when she tried to sound so strong. Sara shook her head and left with Armin.

"See you at the party." Armin waved bye as Sara left for her training session with Levi. It was around four o'clock in the evening.

Sara went straight to Levi's office. She knocked at the door and waited for a response.

"Come in." Came Levi's voice from inside. Sara opened the door softly and went up to his desk. He was sitting on his chair and his eyes were glued on some reports. She saluted him and placed the papers on the table.

"Section commander Hanji asked me to give these papers to you Sir." Levi looked up at her and then at the stack of papers. Sara couldn't help but blush a little. His one glance was enough to make Sara's heart explode.

"Sit down." He said fixing his gaze on the report again. Sara sat down on the chair without making any sound.

"She doesn't know a single thing about punctuality." Levi cursed Hanji as he took papers which Sara had brought.

"She said sorry too." Sara said but Levi just clicked his tongue."Aren't we going for training Sir?" She asked hesitantly.

"No." Came a quick and small reply.

"So can I..."

"You will help me fill up some forms." Sara was about to ask him if she could leave but Levi asked her to help him out instead.

"Ok Sir."


"Oh sorry. Actually it feels odd to call you by your first name Sir....I mean Levi." Sara stuttered.

"You will get a hang of it. Now take these form and this list. You just have to copy details of the cadets written on the list to the forms. Got it?" He said pointing towards the forms.

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