Chapter Nïñë: Øpëñ Wøüñds

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Josh woke up to see Zoey still sleeping. She had her arms wrapped around Josh's chest. He smiled and moved the hair out of her face. It was so silky and soft, she looked so peaceful. He held her close and just laid there. Josh felt bad about last night. Everything was going perfect. He hoped she was gonna be ok. Josh knew it was just a cat but to her, Sunny was more. He also wondered what she ment by everyone leaving her. Josh had a good idea that the guy she mentioned was involved. He wanted to ask but now wasn't the time.

Zoey awoke to look up and see a smiley Josh staring down at her playing with the lilac strands of Zoey's hair. She smiled and hugged him. "Hey you. " she laughed. "Whats up?" He returned the laugh. "Be right back. " Zoey got up and brushed her teeth. Josh sat up and played with his fingers. "So last night was great. Thank you again Josh! " she yelled from the bathroom. Josh was confused. Maybe she just didn't wanna talk about it. "You're welcome, I cant wait to do it again. " he smiled.

Zoey rinsed her mouth out. "There's a unopened toothbrush in the cabinet. You can use that and my toothpaste. " she smiled. It was like nothing happened. "Thanks Zoey. " Josh got up and headed for the bathroom. "Meet me downstairs, I'm gonna make breakfast. " Zoey walked out.

Josh came down after he was done. He headed to the kitchen to see Zoey setting plates. She was putting scrambled eggs on two plates. She smiled at him. "Hope eggs are ok." she put a fork on his eggs. Josh sat down at the counter and grabbed it. "Thank you Zoey, its perfect." he smiled eating. Zoey set up her plate with her fork. "Oh i almost forgot." She got up and grabbed Sunny's food bowl. Josh looked at her in shock as she filled it up. Maybe she's in denial? He thought. "Zoey.. " he didn't have the heart to tell her. "Hm?" She smiled and starting shaking the bowl to attract Sunny. "Kitty Kitty! Breakfast Sunny!" She waited. Josh got up. "Zoey do you remember what happened last night?" He asked cautiously. "Yeah. Our date." She laughed. Josh frowned. "A-after that." He looked at her. She thought for a minute. "I don't know. I just remember falling asleep in your arms." She smiled. Josh hugged her. "W-what happened?" She got concerned. "Zoey.. Sun-" he began. "No. No. No. No. No." She cut him off shaking her head. "I..I thought it was a dream? A b-bad nightmare?" She looked at Josh for answers. He looked down. It was quiet. "Oh god." She realized it wasn't. "Oh god!" She started shaking. "Oh god!!" She dropped the bowl on the ground and leaned onto the counter shaking more violently. Josh ran over to her and held her. "I'm sorry." He kissed her head. "I-i-i-i" she couldn't find the words as tears fell down her face. "Shhhh" Josh rocked her back and fourth after wiping them away.

A week later Josh walked into Zoey's apartment to hear This Is Gospel by Panic! bursting. He locked the door and headed for the stairs when he heard Zoey yell singing "IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOO!" Josh thought she sounded pretty, but she was still grieving. He stopped and set his stuff down on the counter and headed to her room with a bag.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Zoey yelled. She didn't know it was Josh so when he walked in and shut the door she threw the blanket over her. Josh laughed. "You're really gonna hide from me?" He chuckled. "Im hideous." She said muffled. Zoey wasn't surprised to see him. Hes been calling and visiting non stop to check on her all week which she adored. Lily even gave him a house key. At the time he was confused because of what Lily said when she gave it to him. Josh looked at the bed and remembered.

"Here." Lily handed him the key. "Whats this?" He asked. "A key to the apartment." Josh looked at her confused. "Incase you cant get ahold of Zoey... " she looked down. "This way so you dont have to break the door down. Please keep an eye on her." Lily played with her hair. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Just, if she doesn't answer your call do not hesitate to get here fast and check on her." She got quiet. Josh didn't put two and two together but promised he would if she didn't answer.

Josh looked at Zoey wondering what Lily ment. "Hey you're beautiful. Come on. I got taco bell." He waved the bag. Zoey moved the blanket off her head enough to peek at Josh with one eye. "Taco bell?" She asked. "Yeah, i got some hard shells and that cheese quesadilla you like." He stuck his tongue out and winked. "Mmmm" she covered her face. Josh sat on the other side of the bed. "Come onnn." He pouted. "I know you want it." He pulled one of the tacos out and smelled it. She threw the blanket off and grabbed it. "Fine. I give." She unwrapped it. "Thats what i thought." He laughed. They began eating. "How you doing?" He asked. "Better." She took a bite of her taco and a big sip of her sprite. "Good." he smiled. "Yeah, I'm gonna be okay I think." She looked at her food. "I just have to remember I gave her a good life and right now she's in a better place where she cant get sick no more. She's got all you can eat tuna too." She smiled. This time her smile was genuine. There was alittle pain but it was happy for the most part. Josh was happy she was getting better.

As they finished eating Zoey laid down and stared at the ceiling. Josh glanced over at her and the way the light hit her revealed something that broke his heart. Zoey had scars. Some almost gone, some small, some big. Then finally Josh put it altogether. What Lily ment. His heart sank to see them but he was happy they were scars. He hoped she didn't do it anymore. He wondered why she did to begin with. All these questions he had but knew she needed to talk to him about it. As his mind races with questions and worry, Zoey says something that snaps him out of it.

"Josh?" She asks. "Yeah?" He looked at her. She sighs before speaking. "Dont let me get me." Josh held her hand. "I promise. Im here Zoey." He smiled. Zoey looked at his smile. "Always." He said as he smiled more. This warmed her and suddenly she knew, she'd seen the light. It was Josh.

***Sorry this chapter is alittle short and sucks. Im building things up and all. Dont worry. 😊***

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