Chapter Sëvëñty-Sëvën: Brëåks åñd Shåkës

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JoJo and Jim were playing in the living room, chasing each other and playing fetch. Zoey sighed and tapped her sketchbook, the page empty. "Something wrong?" Josh walked over. "Just..blank. I have to have something done by next week but I have no inspiration or motivation to draw anything." She groans. "Well, take a break. Watch some tv, eat a snack, and maybe something will come to you later." He kissed her head.

Zoey had done what Josh was saying and dancing around in their living room blasting music. Josh had left to pick up a friend and meanwhile, she was left to the music. With hair up, no makeup, and one of Josh's t-shirts, Zoey was singing and dancing around to Dancings Not A Crime. JoJo danced with as Jim barked excitedly.

She tossed her head back and forth, her arms up and waving up in the air as she spun gently to the music singing. Zoey picked up JoJo and leaned her on her side as she danced holding JoJos hand with her free hand. JoJo squealed and giggled madly as Josh had walked in. He beamed watching quietly by the door.   They were so into the music not even Jim had noticed Josh walk in. Josh quietly dropped the bags and snuck over before dancing up to them, Zoey grinning and laughing. "What did I tell you about dance parties without me?" Josh snickered. "What?" She giggled and he hugged her tight, before kissing Jojo's cheek.

After the hour long dancing and jamming sesh, Zoey walked to her sketch book and proceeded to draw. Sketching out buildings, skyscrapers and all in the night. Lit up and a beautiful starry sky in the back. She added the bright moon yet with a disco ballesc thing to it. She drew small silhouettes dancing in the windows and all the streets. She signed and dated it after adding some color.

Zoey groaned and collapsed on the couch once finished. "I'm pooped." "It's a hard life being talented?" Josh grinned. "Oh hush~" Zoey smiled and laid her head in his lap. She closed her eyes. Peace. That was the word to describe how she felt. She was content and happy. Everything was good. Things were looking up. Josh smiled down at her and rubbed her temple gently. She breathed softly and began to slowly drift off. Josh admired her and played with her hair, gentle as to not wake her. He glanced at her wedding ring sparkling from the corner of his eye and smiled.


Josh and Zoey eventually flew to ohio to visit his family. He had offered a road trip instead but Zoey wasn't sure she felt comfortable enough with cars for that yet. When they landed, Josh guided the very exhausted Zoey and the two puppers to a uber. He helped her in and loaded the luggage as she got comfortable in the back seat. Josh got in, letting Zoey rest her legs on him as she yawned and laid back. She rolled down the window a small bit for a breeze and closed her eyes. Josh watched smiling. "We'll be there soon." He said rubbing her legs. She nodded smiling. Jim relaxed on top of her and closed his own eyes. Josh stared out the window as the car drove, taking in Ohio.

Whilst they unpacked, Josh glanced at Zoey. "So Tyler and I have been talking." "About?" She looked at him. "Taking a break." Josh bit his lip. "You're breaking up??" She faced him quickly. "No no not at all. Like, a hiatus. We spoke to FBR and they were cool with it." "How long?" She put away some clothes. "At least a year. Maybe a little longer? We aren't too sure." He stretched a little. Zoey walked over and hugged him tight. "Good." "Good?" He titled his head. "Josh, you and Ty have been touring non stop for years. With two weeks to a month break. You've missed birthdays, holidays, special occasions, etc. You have families and personal lives. I love you and what you do but baby everyone needs a break. You can't work all the time, it takes a toll. It's well deserved for you both. Not to mention Ty has little rug rats." Zoey rubbed Josh's chest smiling. "You don't think the fans would be upset?" He nervously rubbed his neck.

Zoey sighed. "Truthfully?" "Truthfully." "Some yes. However, the real fans are the ones who stick around. Some may find some other artists or maybe leave all together. No matter what, the clique will always love y'all. The real fans, might be bummed but, will realize it's needed. They'll respect it. Now, once Tyler starts getting cryptic I can't promise they won't start flipping tables." She teased and Josh smiled laughing lightly. "'re right." He nodded. Zoey kissed him lovingly. "Do what is better for you and Tyler. This won't be the last tour. The last album. All that. Just a breather." She held Josh's cheeks. He nodded. "It's just talk now but we'll see." Zoey nodded and hugged him tight. He hugged back smiling.

Jim and Lux ran over jumping on them. Josh laughs and pets them both. "My fur babies." He smiles. "I'm gonna go find Alina and chill with her." Zoey smiled at the pups then Josh. He nodded grinning. "Give extra chin rubs from me." "As always love" Zoey kissed Josh's head before leaving the room. Josh got down on his knees so he could reach the dogs better.

Zoey was cradling Alina like a baby and rubbing her chin. Alina was purring with her eyes closed as there was a knock at the door. Zoey hummed walking and answering it. Jenna was stood there beaming in a sunflower dress only Jen could pull off. "Jen!" "Zoe!" They both hugged,  careful of miss Alina. "Aw I missed you." Jenna smiled bright. "I missed you too!" Zoey backed up for her to come in. Jenna does so and pets Alina as the door is shut.

"What're you doing here?" She asked. "Well, Tyler told me you guys were coming and I wanted to make sure you got here safe. You didn't answer the phone." Jen smiled. "Oh shit sorry. It died on the plane." She pouted. "it's okay! Glad you're safe is all. All three babies are awaiting your arrival." "Three..?" Zoey's eyes widened. "Yes. Bailey, Ryland, and Tyler." The blonde hair girl giggled. Zoey relaxes and laughs. "Ah yes. The adult child." She snickers.

Zoey walked to the bedroom and popped her head in. The dogs were cuddled up on the bed while she glanced at Josh who was shirtless. Her cheeks flushed red and she bit her lip. "J-Jen's here." She mumbled. "Oh! Sick. Let me finish getting dressed and we can head over there." Zoey nods and checks him out more before leaving. Josh smirks a little having noticed and puts his clean shirt on.


Later on, Josh and Zoey were with Tyler and Jenna at a local diner. Zoey and Jen had gotten milkshakes to share with their men as the guys ordered fries and burgers for everyone. Zoey sips their milkshake and Josh does the same. He crosses his eyes at Zoey as they drink out the same cup. She almost chokes trying not to laugh and pulls away. "You big dork." She giggled. He grinned bright with squinty eyes. Tyler and Jenna proceeded to update them on the kids.

Zoey was coming out the bathroom and dropped her phone. "Fuck." She mumbled and got down grabbing it. "Hey-" Someone touched her shoulder and she immediately stood up having flashbacks to the bathroom incident. Josh darts his head up glancing over. Zoey looked at the woman who had touched her. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare! I'm a big fan!" Zoey nodded and pointed to Josh. "The boys are over there." She smiled. "The boys?" The woman questioned. "Twenty one pilots?" Zoey raised a brow. "No no I'm here for you. I'm a big fan of your art. I found it one day on Instagram." Zoey's face immediately lit up. "Me" She thought to herself. "Could you sign my sketchbook please?" "Y-yeah of course." She grinned. The blonde haired woman pulled out a small sketchbook and pen. Zoey proceeded to sign it and hugged her. The lady left very happy and didn't even go to the boys, she was genuinely there for Zoey. She smiled and sat back with them.

"What was that about?" Josh played with her hand. "She wanted my autograph. She likes my art." Zoey beamed. Josh grinned and kissed her cheek. "Don't forget I'm your biggest fan." He teased hugging her waist. She smiled holding his arms. Tyler rubbed his neck. "So, I know Josh told you." Zoey looks at him confused.

"Let's talk about the hiatus."

(Sorry this chapter was super short! I'll be making it up for y'all. I need to, erm, without spoils, make some adjustments for what I want to do next 👀)

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