Chapter Fïfty-Sëvën: Ñøt Gøød Ënøügh

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Yesterday was the last day of tour. The boys performed their souls out. With heavy hearts, it was time to end it. Today, Jenna and Tyler would be heading home with Josh and Zoey along side. Just while they got settled and it also gave Josh a chance to really show Zoey around Columbus.

"Home sweet home." Tyler plopped onto his couch. Jenna walked in with her bag and he immediately ran over and grabbed it. "Sorry." He smiled. Jenna smiled at him as he set it down for her. Josh and Zoey walked in. "Guest bedroom is clean this time." Tyler grinned. "Thanks again for helping." Jenna hugged them. "Anytime." Zoey grinned. "Why don't you head to the room and I'll go ahead and grab the other bags." Josh smiled. Zoey nodded and Jenna showed her to the room.

"Hey, thanks again man." Tyler helped Josh pull the bags out of the trunk. "No problem. I'm here for you. So is Zoey. We'll be here as long as you need." He smiled. Tyler grinned at him. Josh had no idea how much it meant to him. When they came back inside, Tyler shut the door. Jenna came around the corner with a box. "Whoa what're you doing?" Tyler asked her. "Moving this box?" She raised a brow. "Is it heavy?" He asked. "A little bit but not real-" Without hesitation Tyler swiped the box from her. "I got it." He winked. Jenna rolled her eyes and smiled. "Thank you Ty." She kissed his cheek. "Zoey is the room?" Josh asked. "Mhm." Jenna nodded and Josh went back.

Sure enough, there she was. Passed out in the queen sized bed. Didn't even take her shoes off. Josh smiled and walked over to her. "Zoe?" He gently shook her. She was fast asleep. Josh carefully and quietly took off her shoes. He rolled her into the bed more and took out her ponytail. Josh carefully slid off her jacket and then covered her up with blanket. He smiled and kissed her head. "Sleep well baby." He quietly left.

Josh sat on their couch and scrolled through his phone. "Where's Zoey?" Tyler asked hopping onto the couch. "Asleep." He told him unfazed by Tyler. "Good. She needs it." Tyler sighed. "What do you mean?" He looked up from his phone. Tyler realized he made a mistake. Shit. "I can't say. I, um, promised Zoe I wouldn't tell you." Tyler frowned. "What?? You have too." Josh faced him. "I cant-" "You're my best friend. That's my fiancee. If something is wrong I need to know." Josh stated. "I...I promised Zoe though. She trusted me." Tyler knew he was gonna have to tell him. "Okay? She won't know. Please Tyler." "Fine." He furrowed his brow. "She's just stressed is all. She keeps letting things build up. Even little things. The whole baby thing messed her up bad..." Tyler frowned. "How s-so?" Josh bit his lip. "She's just worried about Jenna and the baby. She told me that we were doing everything right but something happened still. I think...alright no. I know she's scared of herself. That if you and her had kids in the future.. Something would go wrong." Tyler sighed. "She's's not over your accident." He went on. "What do you mean? I'm better now?" Josh raised a brow. "Not in her eyes. She's terrified of long term damage. She's um...she also feels.." He looked down. "Guilty." Type mumbled. "What?" Josh fixed his sock. "Guilty." Tyler frowned. "Why? She didn't have anything to do with it." He furrowed his brow. "I know. That's what I explained. She's a little better but not 100%. I don't blame her. I get it. If that was me, I'd be the same." Tyler shrugged.

"Can I ask you something?" Josh laid back. "Sure man." Tyler rested his arm on the couch. "Why does she go to you for these things? And not me?" He asked. "She doesn't." Tyler laughed. "She hides it. I've just been in her shoes so I pick up things no one else will notice. Not that you don't on purpose. She's good at hiding. So I ask her and kinda get her to talk. Zoey will never talk to you." Tyler explained. He frowned. "Not that she doesn't want too. She just doesn't want you to worry. That's all." He added. Josh nodded. "I guess that makes sense. Kinda like how I vent to you for certain things besides to her." Josh bit his lip. "Exactly. I'm Dr.Phil." Tyler joked. Josh laughed. Suddenly they heard a thud from the other side of the house. The boys looked at each other with wide eyes and ran to the hallway.

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