Chapter Sïxty-Sëvëñ: McDøñålds

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(So before u read this I need to make something very very clear. I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST THEGABBIESHOW NOR DO I HATE HER AT ALL. this is a story. Its fiction.)

About a week passed.

"No. No. No." Zoey bit her lip and went through the medicine cabinet. Josh rolled onto his side in bed and stretched. He woke up to the sound of bottles falling in the sink. Josh yawned and looked at the clock. It was early in the morning. "Zoey?" He got up and slugged to the bathroom. She was struggling to get the bottles up. "Sorry!" She furrowed her brow. "I tried being quiet and then one bottle flew and I hit the others trying to stop it and-" Josh hugged her. "Baby, why are you up?" He caressed her cheeks. "I have to take my medicine." She told him. "So let's take it and rest yourself. We were up late. You need sleep." He kissed her head. "I can't take them!" Zoey furrowed her brow. "Why?" He was confused. "I'm out! Josh I'm out!" She was freaking out.

"Hey. Hey. Shhhh." He held her. "Josh I need them! I'll go crazy without them!" She started hyperventilating. "Whoa. No one said you were crazy. You're not. One day isn't gonna effect you or at least by a couple hours. Let get some sleep and we'll get you a refill in a few hours okay?" Josh rubbed her shoulders. "They're the only thing that keeps the nightmares away though?" She asked. "We'll see. Tell you what, I'll stay up until you're sound asleep and no nightmares. Deal?" He smiled. "I can't ask you to do that." Zoey shook her head. "I'm not giving you much of a decision so go lay down sweetie. I'll pick up the bottles and be right there." He kissed her head. Zoey nodded and got into bed.

Josh came out after cleaning up the bottles and laid down. "C'mere." He smiled and pulled Zoey into his arms. Josh watched her as she traced his chest tattoo. She smiled and started to calm down. Zoey laid there listening to his heartbeat and tracing the tattoo over and over. As she closed her eyes and listened closely, Zoey realized something. "Josh?" She looked up. "Mhm?" He kissed her nose. "Remember how I told you my favorite drum was the kick drum? And I never knew why?" "Yeah?" He raised a brow. "I get it now. I know why." She smiled warmly. "And what's that?" He asked. "Your heart beat. Its soothing to me. I think I like the kick drum so much because it sounds like a heart beat. It reminds me of you. It soothes me to hear it." She grinned at him. Josh furrowed his brow and smiled. "I love you Zoey." He kissed her. Zoey giggled and kissed him back.

(Ik my timeline is off but the story is ahead of time and I wasn't aware this all would happen 😂 because this was February and its not in the story so I had to tweak some stuff.)

Today, Josh and Tyler had a show. It was a surprise show in LA and a first come, first serve basis. The venue was big but not overly. Someone was coming later over for some hot topic stuff. While this happened, Zoey was getting another tattoo. Just something small.

"So are you excited to perform tonight?" Zoey smiled. Josh was fixing his shirt. "Yeah. It feels good to do a show. Its weird to not." He played with the collar of his shirt. "You're gonna do great." Zoey got off the couch and hugged him. Josh smiled and held her tight. "Do you really have to leave for your tattoo?" He pouted. "Yeah. They're here for you not me." She laughed. "But I wanna show you off." He nuzzled her. "Josh." Zoey giggled and kissed him. "You'll be fine. And I'll be finished way before your show starts." She ran her fingers through his hair. "Who's coming anyway?" Zoey asked. "I think some chicks." He tried to think. "Oh? Maybe I should stay." Zoey inhaled deeply. Josh smirked. "Is someone jealous?" He asked. "No! I trust you. I just don't trust girls." She gripped his shoulders. "Why's that?" He continued to smirk. "Because I know how they are." Zoey held the sides of his neck. "Don't worry about them okay? They don't even compare to you. My beautiful, sexy, funny wife." Josh ran his hand around the small of her back and pulled her as close as he could. Zoey smirked and bit her lip. Josh cupped her cheek and kissed her passionately.

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