Imagine for Sophia

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“For the last time Sophia, if you don’t tell Ross how you feel about him I’M going to do it!” Rydel said, a little too loudly. “Rydel! He’s gonna hear you!” you whispered. “Well! It’s about time he hears it from somebody!” she laughed, leaning back on her bed. You sighed. You had known the Lynch family for years. You were really close to all of them, but you were especially close to Ross. The two of you were best friends. You had told Ross things that you hadn’t even told Rydel. About a year ago, you had started developing feelings for Ross. You tried to ignore them for a while, but after a while it became too obvious to ignore. And lately, it had been getting harder and harder to hide. You despised any girl that Ross flirted with. Your jealousy had gotten so bad that Rocky, Ryland, Riker, and even Stormie had noticed. They all knew that you had feelings for Ross, and they all agreed that you should tell him. “I want to!” you cried, throwing yourself backwards onto Rydel’s bed. “I really do!” Rydel rolled her eyes. “Then DO IT!” she exclaimed. You shushed her again and sat back up to look at her. “I would, I just…..I don’t know if he feels anything for me! What if I tell him how I feel and he doesn’t feel the same way and I just make our friendship all awkward and weird? Or what if, surprisingly, he does like me back and we do start dating? Then we eventually break up and I’d lose him forever!” you frowned and looked away, staring down at the floor. Rydel sighed and sat up. “Sophia, I don’t know if Ross likes you or not. He hasn’t told any of us. But I would be really surprised if he didn’t. Because I’ve seen the way he looks at you. We all have. He’s never looked at any girl the way he looks at you.” You looked back over at Rydel. “Really?” you asked. She nodded. Just then there was a knock on the bedroom door. Ross poked his head in. “Hey guys, we’re all watching a movie in the living room. Wanna join?” “Sure!” Rydel said, and you both walked downstairs to the living room.

Several horror movies later, you were all sitting on and around the couch, bored. “Let’s play a game.” Rocky suggested from the other end of the couch, not looking up from his phone. “Such as?” Riker asked, looking up from his position on the floor. “Truth or Dare!” Rydel screeched. The boys groaned. You shot her a death glare. She just winked back at you. “Please?” she begged. “We watched three ‘Saw’ movies for you guys. The least you can do is play Truth or Dare for us.” She crossed her arms. Rocky, Riker, & Ryland all groaned again. “She has a point…” Ross admitted. Riker sighed. “Fine. I’ll go first. Rocky, truth or dare?” he asked. “Why do you get to go first?” Rydel pouted. “Because I’m oldest and I say so. Truth or dare Rocky?” He asked again. “Dare.” Rocky said, still not looking up from his phone. Riker grinned mischievously. “I dare you to… down the street in one of Rydel’s bathing suits singing ‘Single Ladies’ at the top of your lungs!” he said triumphantly. Rocky looked up, horrified. Ross and Ryland burst out laughing. You clamped your hand over your mouth. “Awwh crap.” Rocky said. Rydel stood up. “Come on Rock, I’ll find you one of my older ones.” He stood up and followed Rydel back to her room. Five minutes later he walked out of Rydel’s room sporting a neon pink tankini. The other boys were laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes. Riker took out his phone and snapped a few pictures. “Hey! No one said anything about pictures!” Rocky cried, running quickly out the front door. The rest of you went to stand on the front porch. “All the single ladies!” you could hear Rocky begin to sing. You could barely breathe from how hard you were laughing.

After Rocky returned and changed back into his clothes, the game resumed. You noticed Rocky check his phone before turning to you. “Sophia….” He said, grinning devilishly. You turned to look at Rydel, who was beaming. She must have just texted him and told him to ask about Ross. “Truth or dare?” he asked. You knew if you answered ‘truth’ that he would surely ask you if you had feelings for Ross. “Dare.” You replied, dreading what Rocky might come up with. His grin only grew. “I dare you to makeout with Ross.” He declared. “WHAT?!” you and Ross exclaimed simultaneously. Everyone in the room was grinning now, except the two of you. “You heard me!” Rocky laughed. You turned to look at Ross nervously. He was looking at you with the same expression of anxiety and shock on his face. He stood up from the couch and held his hand out to you. “Well, come on.” He said. You took his hand and nervously followed him into the kitchen. Once you got to the kitchen, you leaned against the counter while Ross stood nervously in front of you. “Ross, you don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want t-“ You were cut off when Ross’s lips came crashing into yours. Without hesitation your arms reached up to lock around his neck. He pulled you away from the counter and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, pulling you as closely to him as humanly possible. His lips felt so wonderfully soft as they moved against yours. You tangled your fingers into his hair. “How sweet!” you heard Riker bellow from the doorway. Ross disentangled himself from you and turned to sheepishly face his siblings standing in the doorway. You blushed ten different shades of red. Rydel was beaming. “So?” Ryland asked excitedly. “Is it official or what??” You turned to look at Ross as he took your hand. “I think it is.” He said, pulling you closer to kiss you on the forehead. “Awwwwh!” the other Lynch’s echoed. “Oh shut up.” He grumbled playfully as he began walking back into the living room. You turned to mouth a ‘thank you’ to Rocky and Rydel before following Ross into the living room to finish the game.

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