Chapter 6

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Here is another chap for my super hero readers enjoy.

After the small chat that you had with your sire/oppi (u choose what u want to call him) you decided to give blue beetle/Jaime the chance to prove himself with the technology he has. It has been over a month after this conflict and Nightwing knew about your plan so each time there was a mission you were always in the same group as blue beetle. Let's just say that he knew how to control the scarab and also knew how to control the power within it. Throughout the whole month you noticed how he used the technology for the greater good just what your sire said he would. Every single person in the team saw what you were doing but thought of it in a different way because of the way how the both of you fought in each mission and how you both got along well, and the partner work you guys have done in the past missions. While they thought of this you were not aware of this that is until you found out that they thought that you and blue beetle were in a relationship.

They were all in the living room within headquarters except you and Jaime. Tim spoke first," Hey have you guys noticed the way how (y/n) and Jaime have been close to each other." "Ya I've noticed that to its seems like if they are more than friends don't you guys think," Bart said. "Well if they were together don't you guys think that they might have made it official to us if they were going out together I mean like if they were we might have been the first ones to know about there relationship in between the both of them," Cassie said to the team. They all agreed with the statement that Cassie said because if you were going out as a couple then the team might have been the first to find out but what they don't know is that the both of you are just close friends that's all. Then Nightwing spoke up," You know all of you should not be speaking about them while they are not here that's kind of going behind there backs."

Everyone looked at each other but then Kim spoke up," And what's wrong if we are taking about them if they have been the best of friends don't you think that we should talk about how they might be in a relationship which would totally be so cute to see (y/n) being with Jaime." "Kim you know that (y/n/n) is not quite ready to have a relationship with someone not after what she's been through and what Thomas did to her," JJ said with a hint of anger. "But you know she has to get passed that JJ ,(y/n/n) needs to move on with her life," Kim said. "Oh really if you got a boyfriend that later on turns into your fiance and you find out that he murdered your first love do you think that you could get over that, Kim do you," JJ said seriously.

Tim spoke up," OK we get that shes had a rough past but its still possible that (y/n) might have given love another chance and she started to go out with Jaime." "I really don't think so Tim," Nightwing said. "Why is that Nightwing do know something we don't that (y/n) might be planning," Bart said. Nightwing then responded,"That's classified information Bart and besides I would never tell the team because it's something between me (y/n)." "OK and why can't we know about this information," Jazzy said. "Like I said its classified," Nightwing responded.

Everyone looked at Nightwing for a few minutes which felt like hours. Cassie decided to speak up," ok since he isn't going to spill then that still makes it seem like if (y/n) and Jaime are in a relationship." "Yup it would be nice to see if (y/n) and Jaime are in a relationship they would both make a great couple," Kim said. "Who would make a great couple" you asked. This startled everyone because they didn't expect you to enter in there conversation.

Jaime spoke," What were you all talking about and like (y/n) said who would make a great couple." Everyone stayed silent for a long time this made you suspicious about what they were talking about. You looked at your girl friends then to Nightwing his face expression said it all. This made you kind of mad because e now you knew what they were talking about, you looked at jaime then looked at the team.

You sighed then said," Were all of you talking about me and jaime by any chance." Everyone looked shocked then Tim responded," how did you know (y/n) if we didn't say anything." "You all should know me by know and I ask again why were all of you talking about me and jaime and what reason," you asked/said.


Cliffhanger hahaha I'm so evil.

Well sorry for the late chap I've been busy lately and I was thinking about what to write for this chap. I hope u all like this chappy and thanks for 359 reads my super hero readers it means a lot to me.
Well I have to go and get more ideas for the next crappy hope to update soon.

~ Aqua outs 😍😍🎉🎉

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