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Hiya hiya hiya here is the special chappy you've all been waiting for and I thank u all for reading my story. IT MEANS A LOT TO ME!!!!!!!
You were flying around in your bloomix transformation looking around the sector of star labs which was nearby Jaime's hometown. This made you think about the argument that happened a few weeks ago with the team. You also remember how the argument ended and the things that you said to Jaime.


'I can't believe I trusted people like you even if you are my TEAMMATES!' The whole team looked at you shocked Jaime was about to say something until you said something to him as well. 'And as for you, no the quiero cercas de mi! This situation was caused by you and that stupid technology that made me get near you!' you said angrily. You started to walk away while crying, everyone was staring in shock at what just happened.

~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK ~~~~~~

This made you start to tear up but you still didn't know why exactly. You didn't understand the feelings that you had but yet you felt as if you knew what it was. You felt the need to let it out so you did what you felt was right during the moment. 'Optimus are you there please respond I need someone to talk too. I need someone by my side please,' you told him through the bond. The tears within your eyes were now rolling down your face until you heard his voice. 'Sweetspark is everything alright? Why are you upset? What is your current location?,' he responded quickly.

'Meet me somewhere around star labs please I just need someone by my side right now,'you said. 'Alright I will see you somewhere around star labs sweetspark. I will ask Ratchet for a ground bridge to transport me there,' he said. 'Please, please hurry',you begged. After a few minutes you sensed his presence you flew to where you sensed his presence. You saw the ground bridge and you saw him come through it along with bumblebee. You landed and went running towards where he was after the ground bridge closed. He turned on his holoform and you hugged him while you cried. He returned the embrace and started to rub your back to get you to calm down. After a few minutes passed you started to calm down but this didn't stop the embrce he also started to say sweet things in your ear like how a father would.

When you were finally calmed down you let go a little bit from the embrace. He looked at you straight into your (e/c) eyes with his optic blue eyes. He then asked," What's wrong sweetspark why were you crying did something happen within the team." He hit the main point it always seemed as if he knew what was going on. "Yes something did happen a few weeks ago in between me and the team. Even with Jaime," you mumbled the last part. "What happened in between the team,you, and Jaime sweetspark," he asked. You said," We had an argument." Bumblebee then spoke up," What was the argument about (y/n/n)."

You started to tell them about the argument and what it was about. When you were getting to the part of what you said to Jaime you started to tear up again. When you told them what you said to Jaime the tears started to come down again it hurt you really bad. Your oppi and bumblebee noticed this and they knew exactly what was wrong with you. "(Y/n/n) it seems that you are getting affected by what you said to Jaime," bumblebee said. Then your oppi said,"Sweetspark I think its best if you go apologize to Jaime about what you said to him and maybe-" "But what if he doesn't want to ever see what if hates me and doesn't care anymore oppi HE MIGHT AS WELL NOT WANT TO BE WITH ME ANY LONGER OPTIMUS HE MIGHT NOT LIKE ME ANY MORE!!!!!!!"you yelled. Then you realized what you said at the end your eyes widened.

Many thoughts went through your head until your oppi intreupted them. "I think that it might not only be affecting you but it seems that you also have feelings for him as well (y/n)." Your eyes widened and you also blushed at the thought but yet it explains the familiar feeling that you had been feeling around him and without him. YOU FEEL IN LOVE WITH JAIME REYES!!!!! "B-b-but it can't be I -I - I'm not ready to be in something like this oppi I -I - I can't," you stuttered. "Sweetspark I understand that you are afraid but you can't ignore the fact that these feelings that you have are for Jaime and it should be for a certain reason of why you fell for him you need to trust not only in yourself but also Jaime." Once again the wise prime has spoken his wise words but that they were also true from what he said you feel for Jaime for some reason. "*sighs*your right oppi I guess there must be some sort of reason why I feel for him and I admit it I'm afraid to be in a relationship again but I know that I can trust Jaime," you said.

"Well what are you waiting for (y/n/n) go and talk to him you could do it I know you can," bee said with motivation. "Thanks bee and well I'll be going to look for him then I love you both thanks for helping me oppi and you too, bee now if you excuse me I have someone to talk to," you said. You waved goodbye to both of them then you started to fly off to find Jaime to apologize to him and to confess your feelings to him. While you were thought you bumped into something you lost your balance from flying until you heard a voice say your name. "(Y/n)!?!?!"the familiar voice said. You opened your eyes and saw Jaime right there holding you near his chest inches away from both of your lips. You started to blush a little while you spoke,"Jaime!?!" He was looking at your now opitc blue eyes with his brown eyes.

The both of you landed on would ground without knowing. The both of you were looking at each other for who knows how long until the both of you decided to speak. "I have something to tell you," the both of you said in sync. "You could go first heremana,"Jaime said. "Well I came here to apologize for what I said in front of the team Jaime I felt bad dicendo the esas cosas feas Jaime I just felt so angry that the team was talking about us being a couple I just lost it I really didn't mean anything I said Jaime I'm glad I meet you because if I didn't then I might have never fallen in love with you Jaime," you said while crying and blushing a little bit red. Jaime was shocked he couldn't believe what you said to him not only that but you told him that you loved him more than a friend. You were still crying you felt sad because you started to think that he did not feel the same way. Until you were intreupted from your thoughts when you felt him pick up your chin with his fingers. Then he started to wipe your tears away while he said four words that would change your life," Yo tambien te amo (y/n)" Your eyes widened not only did he just say that he felt the same way but he also kissed you on the lips passionately and with great care. You were still crying but they are happy tears you closed your eyes and kissed him back with the same amount of passion and care.

Jaime changed your life completely he turned your fears into pure happiness that would last for who knows how long but all you knew was that he was the love of your life.


Well my fellow readers here is the special 1k Chappy I hope u all enjoy it because this is the longest chappy yet 1414 words in total.

Welp my whelmed readers enjoy the chappy and as always.........

~~AQUA OUTS🎉😍😉😘🎊

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