Chapter 8

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hey hey hey guess who's back my whelmed super hero readers. Here is another Chappy I hope u all enjoy it.

You were shocked by this the young justice league was talking about you and Jaime being a couple. Jaime was still blushing when he figured it out until he turned around and faced you. He noticed that you were blushing but your expression on your face was saying something totally different.

You started to speak up, " how could you." The team looked at you until Kim asked," how could we what (y/n/n)." "How could you all speak about me and Jaime being in a relationship," you asked and cracked a little at the end."Well we thought that the both of you were in a," Bart was intreupted by Jaime. "But how could all of you think such a thing about us nosotros somos solamente amigos Bart there is nothing in between us like that," Jaime said. "But then why have you and (y/n) been working so well together and hanging out with each other way to much by that matter," Tim said.

The girls were looking at you as the situation unfolded until you spoke up again. "I TRUSTED ALL OF YOU !!!!!! I can't believe that I trusted some people who WOULD THINK SUCH THINGS ALL OF YOU SHOULD KNOW MY PAST!!!!!! ESPECIALLY YOU GIRLS!!!"You yelled while crying and pointing at the girls and continued. "I can't believe I trusted people like you even if you are my TEAMMATES!!!!" They all looked at you shocked, Jaime was about to say something until you said something to him as well. "And as for you no te quiero cercas de mi porque this situation was caused by you and that stupid technology that made me get near you."you said.
You started to walk away while crying everyone was staring in shock at what just happened. Jaime felt so heart broken from what you said to him he felt tears run down his face. Bart spoke up, "Blue you alright." "NO IM NOT AND JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ALL OF YOU!!!!!!"he yelled then he transformed into his suit and left the team in shock even Bart.

~~~~time skip brought to you by the kisses of Astral and Yuma ~~~~~~~~

Its been a few weeks after the argument in between the team and you things were back to normal. Well maybe not everything was back to normal (y/n) and Jamie are still not even speaking to each other the team has tried but no avial. It seems like nothing would work but what they didn't know was that each time they did something to get them to get along with each other they would just stare at each and then leave.

Jamie couldn't stand this much longer he was getting affected by this bad. He decided to finally talk to you even if you wouldn't listen or if you didn't want to see him. He was going crazy without you being by his side. What he didn't know was that you couldn't stand being away from him either but you couldn't bring yourself to talk to him after the argument.

Would you and Jamie be able to get back together with the friendship you had before or would the both of you be broken apart forever?


Cliffhanger again sorry hehehe I enjoy doing this *giggles*

Hello my whelmed superhero readers here is my update before I go to school tommorow. I hope I can update somewhere around this week or not but I promise I will try for all of u. *points at all of you*

I hope u enjoyed this chappy I love u all oh and plz read my friend BarianGirl107 and also give her a follow she's awesome.

Welp I have to go my whelmed readers and as always.......


Jaime Reyes X Reader*Discontinued**Editing*Where stories live. Discover now